Get Off My Lawn

Disclaimer, this is NOT a GT backblast.

This was the first Q that I signed up for in 2019 because 2/14 has always been a notable day for me in F3. More in the NMS.

YHC cruised in post-recon with a minute to spare. Scooped up the PAX after determining that the mustachioed Puck was NOT an FNG, and headed out with the most non-compliant of disclaimers: “My name is Jigglypuff, and I’ve been doing this ish for 2 years. Follow me.”

Mosey around the construction and up to Chatham. Pause in the Perfect Piece parking lot for 10 x GM. Continue east.

Pause in the Hair Waves Salon parking lot for 15 x IW and 20 x Standard Merkins OMD. Continue east… and we’ve arrived. Welcome to Urban Park. The aforementioned ish was about to get super real.

Partner up at the basketball court. Head to opposite ends. Bear crawl to the middle - 5 partner-clap merkins - lunge walk back to the baseline. Double repeato.

After tracing out a loop in the park, head in opposite directions performing 5 Partner derkins each and 10 partner WW2s. Hold after meeting three times. And look! Here are some rocks. Grab a non-travelling rock and go for:
20 x Curls
20 x Rock Rows
10 x Overhead press in a maaaaaad sloppy cadence
20 x Tricep Extension

It was at this point that the mental weinke was abandoned. As the result of a bit of mumblechatter that made me turn around and survey the area, I saw the outline of a woman standing in a lit doorway. All I needed to hear was the word ‘gun’ to know that we had outstayed our welcome. South to Waldo!

Indian run back toward home with a brief stop in the grass for two rounds of Tunnel of Love. Hold at the Little Book Box circle for a slow and controlled ring of fire featuring bear crawls. Two rounds of Serpentine Sprint Work - 50% up the first row, 75% down the 2nd row, and AYG up the third row. (I liked that one).

Back to home for 6MOM:
Loom: Boxcutter
Burt: CCPJ
Puck: SM
Saban: LBC
Callahan: Hello Dolly (called by Term Paper, so as to allow the signature move to truly come to life)
JP : Rosalita, oh look, here comes BrOga


COR: 11 (4 for BrOga)
NOR: 3 Respects, 7 Meh, 1 HATE

F3 Dads this week, but watch the weather
Look up Matt Bevin (don’t call kids soft in public)
Stretching is hard work (TY4YL Hi-Liter)
Sign up for the Mule
SnS next week - breakfast and Water Wings/Liverpool sharing to follow

Prayer Requests
Ausfahrt’s Recovery
Sooey’s Surgery
Sosa’s new baby
Swag’s Wife
Dudes in Chimbote

2/14/17 - FNG
2/14/18 - VQ
2/14/19 - Q

I keep losing a letter… maybe I need to find a way to gain one back next year.

I’m afraid to ask if that lady was actually brandishing a weapon. Per the recon report, anything over 10 PAX-wise I knew would be trouble with the proximity to the houses. But we drew a SEVEN! Although I wished we had one more so that I could have a partner #sadtears, I was psyched because I didn’t have to trash the plan. Nevertheless, we were fine car wise, but in the redzone when it came to the fine residents of downtown Cary. What in the actual world.

More behind the scenes looks at PUT6 today, that was pretty fun! I mean, DOAH AND DREDD TALKED INTO THAT iPHONE.

This was my first post this week after being DR through last night. Great to be home, and great to celebrate an anniversary with Cary’s finest. God bless, and Godspeed.

See also