Get Off My Lawn

Because it’s was my birthday Q and I’m old and that’s what PBX tells me I sound like. Anyways, arrived early to scout out the AO to find about 15 HIM already working the ECP. By 5:30 21 PAX were ready to go and Crimson had already started complaining. He knew what was to come.

Warm Up • Good Mornings x 10 • SSH x 53

Thang 1 Split into 5 groups. One group at each of 5 stations for:

• Station 1 - pull-ups x 5 • Station 2 - merkins x 10 • Station 3 - squats x 15 • Station 4 - hammers x 20 l/r • Station 5 - dips x 15-20

Rotate when done. Did that cycle three times. Was planning to do more but it was turning into a cluster, so…

Thang 2 Over to the coupon shed and grab all the cinder blocks and all the cores. Everyone is instructed to grab 2 cinders or 2 cores. Not everyone listened. Those with cores do man makers while those with cinders do farmer carries from the far island to the middle island and back. Flip-flop with someone on the return. 3 rounds.

• Man makers are something like this. • Farmer carriers are kind of like this.

Thang 3 Mosey over to the side of the church for burpees and wall crawls. Start with 5 burpees and 1 wall crawl. Then 4:1, 3:1, 2:1, and 1:1. Recover. Repeat from 5 down to 3.

Thang 4 Mosey over to the parking lot for: • mucho-chesto (10,10,10,10,10) • LBCs x 20 • prisoner squats x 20 • prisoner lunges x 20 in cadence • hammers x 20 in cadence • bear crawl from the near island to the middle island and back • repeat, except for the bear crawl

Announcements • DZ convergence on Friday • Still time to sign up for the Carying Place 5k/10k on Labor Day. Entrance is free due to Carpex sponsorship - see and use code F3CarpexSponsor

COT Count-a-rama: 21 Name-a-rama: 1 hate, 11 mehs, 8 respects Prayers / Praises: • Yogi mentioned something about his 2 year F3 anniversary • McCants recovery • Ascot’s friend Nate who was hospitalized for a spider bite BOM: Yogi took us out

NMS Thanks everyone for celebrating my birthday with me. It was a pleasure to lead, but please stay off my lawn.

See also