Get a Bowlful

Thanks to the 32 PAX who showed up for my VQ today. I think overall it well.

Started with Intro/ Disclaimer… no FNG’s


Follow me down to the Thales School parking lot for warm ups


  • Good Mornings
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Merkins

Thang One

  • 2 lines and Indian Run from Thales over to the Town Hall Diamond
  • We did a Plank Hold while we waited on the 6
  • While still waiting on the 6 we did a squat hold. Shut-In called me out on a “Squatty Potty” position which I liked and think we will do them a again. Basically a really low squat hold where legs break the 90 degree angle to get real low. Thanks Shut-in

Thang Two

  • Partner Up
    • Dora 2/4/6
      • 200 Merkins
      • 400 LBC
      • 600 Squats
    • Partner 1 ran the diamond while partner 2 worked.
  • I worried a bit about halfway through that we would not finish the work but as we had a few minutes left there were a couple of groups that finished… So it was good even though we all did not finish.

Run back to Skate Park for Mary

  • A few of the PAX helped to call these final exercises
    • Homer to Marge
    • American Hammers
    • Have a Nice Day


  • 32 PAX

  • Announcements

    • 2ndF Lunch at Smokey’s on Friday 12pm
    • F3 Dads Saturday 9am
  • Prayers

Thanks for letting me lead today guys. I enjoyed it and look forward to doing again soon

See also