
This is the first time the full Gamehendge has been completed in CARPEX since July 1994 and while no backblast exists of that last beatdown, most PAX consider it one of the classics of the exicon.

WARMUP: TMWSIY mosey as we search for Colonel Forbin and the door to Gamehedge. The music was pulsating so the pace was high and so were we. We found a gate and pushed through, down past the gazebo, avoiding the Multibeasts. Our way was lit by the Light of Icculus (and Squatter’s headlamp). We arrived in the parking lot along with the Lizards (both the Lizards and the song) but kept them at bay with Wilson’s secret recipe of SSH, IW, Windmills. The merkins were a bad idea as the Multibeasts approached once again.

The music picked up with the Lizards sensing we were getting close to our goal. We absconded to the shelter nearby and a page from the Helping Friendly Book fluttered down from on HIGH with instructions on how to reach Rutherford the Brave. The road started steep (25 IC dips/25 IC LRS-ups/25 irkins) but quickly moderated as we progressed (20-20-20… 15-15-15… 10-10-10).

Just in time! Tela found us and told us that the Book had been moved but was nearby. We moseyed out of the shelter and towards the dark castle nearby by. Spotted Stripers followed us to we high-kneed it up the hill. McGrupp was a huge help keeping the worst of the Stripers away!

We arrived at the castle and eventually found the lights only to discover Tela and The Unit Monster conspiring against us, seeking to return the Helping Friendly Book to Wilson. We split up and chased the villians away the only way we knew how: bear crawls, lunges and, of course, with the help of our gun-toting (pistol-squatting) Llamas (for real … I’m not making this up…). Celebrations was called for:  AMRAP Merkins!

We eventually succeed in chasing away the traitors only to find that The AC/DC Bag suspected them of being double agents and hanging both Tela and The Unit Monster. He was coming after us so we high-tailed it out of the castle as well.

On our way, The Famous Mockingbird sang us a Paula Abdul song. Sadly, the road narrowed as we got highers and both the burpees and squats increased in number. Even McGrupp was puffing and puffing. So slow were we that the Sloth caught up. Time to wrap this up.

MARY: We eventually found another gate, this time leading us out of Gameheddgne. We bit our adieu with a wee bit of Jimmy-to-Harpua (because apparently there are no women in Gamenedhge). The fourth song climaxed just as we did, perfectly timed as always. We missed you @Riptide.

COT: Prayers for Leszek and Praises for @Saban ’s sister.

See also