Fun with The Turd

When joining F3, it’s tradition that you must host a Q on the week of your birthday. So, HotCakes did his B-day Q at Rolling Stone and brought along The Turd. A travel size PT Sand bag that is just big enough to hold your Ruck plate for air travel. It started off with 30lbs, but b/c there was a request to lighten the load on a borrowed Ruck, we stuck another 10lbs into The Turd.

Pax of 3 this morning. 1 FNG. Welcome Bumper Boats

  • Quick 1 mi mosey and a round of cotton pickers for a warm up.
  • Pass the Turd, Romanian Twist Style… Everyone stands in a line, shoulder width apart and every other person facing in the opposite direction. You twist to pass it to the next person in line. (2) rounds so that both sides of your lateral rib muscles shared in the joy
  • Merkins w/ Ruck 10 count. The person with The Turd got to do it Airborne style. (3) rounds so that everyone got to share The Turd.
  • Bear Crawls w/ Ruck on, 25m. (3) rounds. Each HIM got the pleasure of dragging The Turd during a round.
  • Sit-ups w/ Ruck in Front or with The Turd, 10 count. (3) rounds.
  • Squats w/ Ruck or the The Turd, 20 count. (1) round.
  • Hang w/o ruck to stretch it all out.

There were some Burpees during a Mary, while some recovered from the Bear Crawls.

HotCakes would like to thank the other HIMs for allowing him to serve this morning.

See also