Fun With Numbers

YHC had the idea of doing a mini beast and 7s and so it just grew from there…

Warmup:  SSW (Signature Shut-In Warmup)

Thang 1 - 6s:  Mini Beast (6 laps of 3 exercises performed 6 times each) - 6 Merkins, 6 Pull Ups, 6 Monkey Humpers (run a lap) x 6

Thang 2 - 7s:  Sprints / Hand Release Merkins

Thang 3 - 8s:  Shelter Work - This was supposed to be 2 sets of 4 exercises (= 8s) but the group was so chatty I said, let’s keep going! - Bench merkins  /  Bench Quick Feet  /  Dips  /  Heels to Heaven hanging off the edge of the table - 3 sets:  10 reps, 15 reps, 20 reps

Thang 4 - Theme over…BLIMPS run (sort of 6s i guess…) -  Run to the bridge while stopping for BLIMPS along the way.


#TCLAPS for the EC crew:  Bayonne, Hermes, Half, Shut-In, Joe Smith, Chipper

See also