Fun With Numbers

Today’s number is “8” and is brought to you by the F3 Television Network.  Eight is a great number.  It has no beginning and it goes on, and on, and on, and on… you get the point.

It was a beautiful Tuesday morning as we gathered at Brooks Park.  It would most likely be the last perfect morning until April. We had a great group for my VQ: Airbag, Big Red, Bogo, Franklin, Gomer, Katniss, Ma Bell, Napster, PBX, Sky Blue, and Sooner.

We went round and round the soccer field in a perfect “figure 8” with five excellent stops.  It went sort of like this starting in a corner:

  • 20 Australian Mountain Climbers
  • Lunge Walk
  • 20 4-count Mary (team choice)
  • Bear Crawl to midfield
  • Burpees
  • Mosey to a corner
  • 20 4-count Merkins
  • Walk/Lunge (backward)
  • 20 4-count Sumo Squat (some folks had difficulty with form!)
  • Crab Walk to midfield
  • Burpees
  • Mosey out for more AMCs

We only had enough time to do three rounds but a good time was still had by all.