Fun Bags

‘Twas a lovely morning in the POGL as four stalwarts converged on the site of Tin2Iron for some work. YHC has been doing some ruck & sandbag training and thought it would be the gentlemanly thing to do to share some of the experience with the PAX.

A slowzy around the pickle, and a warm up with Good Mornings, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, and BartmArmORama (Sir Fazio, seal clap, fazio sir, overhead clap, moroccan nightclub). Good to go.

We paired up and selected our weapons from the cache of sandbags. 40-pounders for both groups, excellent choices.

The Thang

P1 did air squats while P2 carried the sandbag about 25 yards and back. Flapjack. Keep going until 200 squats total.

After both teams were done, we did another slowzy around the pickle.

Round 2, P1 doing merkins, P2 carrying the sandbag in a bear hug. We did three 4 trips each, enough of that pesky counting.

Another slowzy.

Round 3, P1 doing core (flutters/LBCs), P2 carry sandbag overhead.

One last slowzy.

Finish it up with 20 flutter kicks IC, 20 Freddie Merc IC, and a Have a Nice Day.

Good stuff this morning fellas, thanks for the chance to lead and share!

See also