Full throttle on a rainy day

“The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley.” Since New Year’s is around the corner, I thought I’d start off with a quote from the estimable Robert Burns, author of Auld Lang Syne. Also befitting since YHC had planned a Q without looking at the weather, and then at 10 o’clock post meridiem, looked at the weather and saw it’d be 40 degrees with 100% chance of rain.

A mix of cardio exercises, some from the lexicon, most made up, was pulled together by 11. An in-depth analysis for an ad-free & open-source tabata timer was conducted around 5 ante meridiem. The 6 o’clock start was certainly appreciated.


  • SSH, IC x20
  • Arm raise + high knee IC, x10
  • Cassocks, IC x8
  • Twist, IC x10 (shout optional)
  • Runner’s stretch + arm reachbacks

Cardio Tabata

20 sec on, 10 sec rest. Repeato x4.

  1. Wide High Knees Hop
  2. Skydiver Pullbacks
  3. Lateral Lunge Hops
  4. Bear Plank Side Steps
  5. Wall Sit Leg Extensions
  6. Newly-dubbed “Wide Paneras” (Wide to Narrow Push Ups, “toasted” if with a rock)
  7. Hip Up + Sit Up
  8. Around the World
  9. Predator Jacks
  10. Bear Plank to Push Up
  11. Reverse Lunge + Kick and Twist
  12. Granny Jumps
  13. Lying Leg Twist
  14. Burpee + Hip Change
  15. Bench dips

Yoga cool down

“Octopus washes ashore, dangles helplessly on rock, folds back up when waves return.”

  • Mountain pose
  • Overhead arm reach
  • Arms down into cactus to open chest
  • Fold forwards
  • Clockwork dangle (thus dubbed just last Saturday at Piranha Park)
  • Down into flat back
  • Arms behind back and interlace fingers into mudra
  • Roll up back to mountain
  • Repeato

“Man shovels spade into earth, lifts up dirt, ponders, and returns dirt to earth.”

  • Forward lunge on right leg
  • Arms up, then into side twist
  • Left hand on right knee, then right arm reach over
  • Down into runner’s pose, then arm up and reach back
  • Hands and feet together into crouch
  • Arms locked under right knee into one-legged stand
  • Open the hip
  • Down into right leg side lunge
  • Arms up and bend towards left side into triangle pose
  • Recover and repeat other side

Time for two more arm sweeps.


5 pax, 1 respect, 0 hates.


  • 10k Wake Forest food ministry this Saturday
  • Oakwood 24 this Saturday
  • Cary Christmas parade this Saturday
  • Carpex Christmas Party next Thursday


  • Prayers for Doogie’s grandmother
  • Praises for Jello’s 2.0 first acceptance letters to college

Topics of conversation included:

  • Tclaps to Doogie for busting out the classic rock playlist & speaker
  • First concerts
  • People born in the 70s who don’t know Lynyrd Skynyrd’s Simple Man
  • Dazed and Confused 90s classic about classic 70s, starring the debut efforts the future governor of Texas
  • Qs that were enjoyed until burpees were called

This was the first tabata workout YHC has led, and I enjoyed the pacing of it, plus liked having some time for stretching afterwards. Also my first time posting at Full Throttle, and I appreciated the welcome, as well as the community feeling amongst the Pax there. A great site for a rainy morning, what with the later midweek start, coming-in-clutch pavilion, and mumblechatter!

Post-script: Initially, wasn’t planning on writing a backblast, but couldn’t let down my audience of 1. So Schroeder, this one’s for you even though you didn’t post, and also we still have to find a time to practice 🎼

See also