Full Starsky to DD?

14 gathered at finest Thursday AO in NW Cary, including 1 FNG and post disclaimer, we were off.

Warm Up

Mosey a little past the soccer field for

SSH x 15

IW x 15

GM x 10

Merkins x 20

MC x 10

PJ x 10

Thang 1

4 corners on soccer field-Lunge Walk the width, fellowship jog the length

5 Merkins, 5 Star Jumps, 5 LBCs at corner one, 10 each at corner 2, 15 at corner 3, 20 at 4

Repeato HRM, Sumo Jump Squats, Dying Cockroaches

Thang 2

5 corners Jack Webb in the nearby parking lot with Burpees and Squats, 1 to 3 ratio working our way up to 10 Burpees and 30 Squats

Thang 3/Mary

Traveling Captain Thor stopping at light poles back to shovel flag. We made it up 8 BBSUs and 24 American Hammers


FOD convergence on New Year’s day with pre-game EC and post-game pot luck

Coordinate Ausfahrt visits, limiting to 4 PAX unless we hear differently once he moves into rehab

Prayers and Praises

Prognosis for Swag’s M is good but continue prayers

Ausfahrt’s recovery

Crimson’s recovery


Arrived at FC about 15 minutes early to refresh myself on lay of the land. The mumblechatter from the track was strong as 2 PAX were engaged in some EC run. Soccer field open and looked like prime place for festivities and there was a nearby parking lot for transition to thang 2.

FNG War Eagle wanted Roll Tide and vehemently protested War Eagle, so it was decided. There was sentiment for Feel Like a Woman after admitting Shania Twain was his first concert, but that was a little bit too weird, even for Carpex. But if he tries to name swap with Crimson, I am reverting to Feel Like A Woman (or maybe just FLAW)

All 14 PAX hit Coffeteria at Dunkin’ Donuts, which suited YHC, as I am one of the few that prefers their coffee to Starbucks.

I had a blast and as always, it was an honor and a pleasure.

See also