Full Metal Jacket is full of options

PAX:  Shank, McCants, Imp, Large Mouth, Strange Brew, Burt, Jiggly Puff, GTL, Sour Mash, Three Dubs, Freebird, Coney


It was a beautiful morning for 12 Pax who showed up early for a workout at Full Metal Jacket. We were thinking Khakis would come flying in at the last second, but no luck today. The sky was clear, the stars were perfect, the air was crisp, the flag was flowing, and Burt had a bright headlamp on. After some quick negotiations I told him he wouldn’t need it since there were no cars at this AO.


We are off for a warm up jog to the lower parking lot, and of course we run 150 yards and I have to shout “car” because a Town of Apex truck was patrolling the grounds.  Not a great start to have Burt on your bad side but oh well…

The Warm Up:

25 Side Straddle Hops 15 Imperial Walkers 10 Good Mornings 40 Merkins 15 Plank Jacks 15 Mountain Climbers

The Thang:

Jog to the track with a little mumble chatter that the warm-up was officially over following the “recoverless” merkin, plank jack, mountain climber combo. After some brief instructions the Pax ran to the 4 corners of the track for an exercise at each corner - 25 Merkins, 25 four-count American Hammers, 25 Monkey Humpers, 25 Jump squats

Meet in the middle of the field for a plank hold set and then a 5 count, six inch hold around the circle. Now for 7’s with Burpees and WW2’s across the football field. When finished we met in the middle of the field for a series of planks and 5 count six inch holds around the circle.

After a quick “Burt flirt” with some lady joggers we jog back to the lower parking lot and partner up for 100 Merkins, 200 LBC’s and 300 calf raises on the steps.

After some quick praise of FMJ as an AO and all of its options, the PAX took a careful jog (watch the chains!) to the pull up bars for a mini murph (this is Full Metal Jacket after all). We had just enough time for 2 sets of 10 pull ups, 20 Merkins, 30 squats before we jogged back to the flag.  That’s right Ma Bell - we actually used the pull up bars (where’s Parker?)

We closed with 30 low slow flutters and then COT


CSAUP reminder

Prayer Request for Las Vegas victims and Imp’s friend who passed in a car accident

That is all fellas - thanks for letting me lead this morning. I cannot think of a better way to start the day than with you guys.