Full circle...Exercise!

I will not say how long it has been since my first post at Slippery When Wet, as it’s been far too long, but things seemed to come full circle. My posting has always come in waves, but I decided in May to make a consistent effort to get back in the gloom. After a rolled ankle at the end of August, I took some time to rest it, which set back some great progress. Then October hit and I fell back off the track even more. After attending a Q School 101 at Off the Rail and then Q School 201 at SWW, I glanced at the VQ week schedule and hesitated still. Then I remembered a HIM mumble chattered at a pre workout circle up asking if I was signed up (thanks Hermes), and then Ollie’s post on Slack as a reminder to step up and lead. So, I glanced back at the VQ schedule and noticed that all my “local” AO’s were booked. With the current WCPSS mix up of AO’s and the fact that I live in South Wake territory, the “convenient” options were slim picking. Bradford’s Ordinary was tempting but I had never posted there and had no idea what was around. After reading a few Backblasts and reviewing some previous Strava maps, I DM’ed Burt and Jigglypuff to let them know I was their VQ. Burt just happened to be the PAX who named me at my first COT, and I currently work for the largest supplier of Pokémon cards in the world, so it just seemed to come full circle.

Arrival and warmup

When you are the first to arrive to an AO that you have never posted it, you start to question whether you are parked in the correct lot and parking spot. I was very early but eventually a few vehicles rolled in and then a wave just before 5:45. I was not briefed on the tank top requirement but decided to maintain my sleeves even after Burt opened the briefcase of manliness. The PAX circled up, a few with rucks in tow. Burt made my introduction to the group, whom I only recognized 3 of. No FNG’s, perfectly executed mission statement, start your Strava, and let’s mosey. Wait you forgot the ple…just keep running they will never know you fumbled the first handoff. Off to the bank and the brightest circle in all of Carpex.

Good Mornings (someone tell Bartman that he can exercise! now) - IC


Sir Fazios - IC

Fazios Sir - IC

Plank Jacks - IC

Calf stretches – site Q’s 10 counts each side

Let’s mosey

Thang 1

Arrive on the side of Cary PD and Town Hall, wait for safe crossing, and mosey to the steps. Calf Raises – IC (don’t call them Hermes Calf Raises outside of South Cary). Mosey to the fountain and find a spot on the wall, site Q does not approve of the wall height and modifies as necessary. Left-right step-ups – IC, Dips – OMD, Irkins – OMD, lets mosey again. Find a spot on the handrails for Aussie Pullups – OMU, Irkins – OMD, repeato Aussie Pullups – OMU, lets mosey.

Thang 2

On the way to the parking deck, I asked if the stairs are open and I received a yes. I figure since Ollie is here and the stairs are too, lets bear crawl to the top of the deck. Now for the Pain Train, or “modified” Pain Train as it was dubbed.

Stop 1 – 5 Merkins

Stop 2 – LBC’s IC

Stop 3 – 15 CDD’s

Stop 4 – 20 Big Boy Situps (yes on the concrete)

Stop 5 – 25 Monkey Humpers


But wait before we begin, lets add a Burpee to start and after each trip back to start. And we are off, no wait, yes really off the track. The VQ reminds the PAX that each passing of the stop is to be hit not just on the way back. The mumble chatter really turns up now. The South Cary Trains must be under a different jurisdiction from DTC Trains. The chatter fades, except for Burt, and Coney even applauded the use of the parking deck as its peaceful at this hour. The time is looking good, and the six wraps up just as planned. Mosey back down the steps back towards the flag.


Circle up as the six if coming in. Freddy Mercury’s – IC, American Hammers – IC, request Burt to call and he brings the often forgotten and never duplicated “The Nippler” – IC (a plank hold with a tap), and Have A Nice Day!


The ruckers return from the other deck to join. Burt presents YHC with gifts from the BO site Q’s, a limited edition Natural Fright and a Super Cluster IPA, along with some body wash for any BO that needed to be removed before hitting the office.

Countarama: 14….wait someone is missing 16 as Ollie and Bartman approach with a shovel flag. A shovel flag with a story.

Announcements: Ollie and Bartman presented Burt with a #ao-everyday-newhampshire flag. While the Phoenix arose from Pullen, the calm waters of New Hampshire remained in Burts heart.

Prayers: Silent

Callahan took us out

As I departed the parking lot leading to the PAX to the warmup location, my thoughts were don’t screw up the counts or forget your plan or trip or merlot. After a slight fumble during the warmup and reminding myself that chatter is part of the fun, the nerves settled and I executed the planned workout with a couple of modifications. Besides convergences for the Murph or 4th, I had only worked out with maybe 2 of the PAX more than once. I didn’t know the personalities or what to expect from the remaining PAX. I chose Bradford’s Ordinary for just this reason, no comfort zone. The great thing about CARPEX, is that no matter which AO you visit, there are a group of HIM’s welcoming you.


If you haven’t Q’ed, you can do it. They won’t let you fail.

If you repeat the same AO’s weekly, switch it up! Losing 10 extra minutes of sleep or a few more miles are a great reward in the end.

See also