Between March 15th (Ides of March) and April 20th (Easter Eve) Ruck (running option as well) all of the Cary and Apex Greenways.

To participate

  1. join the slack channel csaup-fugm (optional use strava to show your work)
  2. HC to your fellow HIMs in the gloom
  3. Log your miles and segments on our honor system spreadsheet.
  4. You cannot ruck some and run some, Ruck them all or Run them all, or better yet, double down.
  5. Miles need to be with at least one other PAX, no sad clowning allowed (name in the activity you upload)
  6. If you are rucking, 30 pounds on your back (if you are 150lbs or less, 20 is ok)
  7. Extra points for getting a FNG or someone new to rucking/running to join you
  8. Extra points for including a PAX from another region
  9. Feel free to find new trails/greenways in the Carpex region and add it to the list (must be clear where to find the trail)

Optional Fundraiser:

In order to add some skin to the game, you can add $8 to a general pool of money before April 1st..  At the end of the challenge, all PAX who have completed the challenge in full and have paid $8 to fundraise will get a chance to vote where the money goes.  We will take nominations from all participants with at least 40 miles of the challenge completed and all finishers who paid get one vote. The nomination with the most votes gets all the money (in the case of a tie, it is split up).

Pay attention, you can get two votes if you double down (ruck and run), likewise if you get a new person rucking or running (and they complete) or if you get a PAX from another region to complete the challenge.  Maximum votes is 6 (ruck, run, fng ruck, fng run, region ruck, region run).