Frozen Fountains

Low numbers this morning in Carpex, so YHC was hoping some of those fartsackers would show up this evening.  I was not disappointed as we had two vets making their Rush Hour debuts.


Mosey over to the first level of the parking deck and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, plank jacks and mountain climbers.  And since YHC forgot to bring the flag we did some reward burpees (burpees are not a penalty, burpees are a reward).

The Thang

Mosey behind the community center and grab a travelling rock and return to the parking deck.  Travel with your rock to the other end, adding one new exercise at each level while repeating the exercises from the previous levels.

Level 1 - merkins

Level 2 - merkins, rock squats

Level 3 - merkins, rock squats, curls

Level 4 - merkins, rock squats, curls, overhead press

Level 5 - merkins, rock squats, curls, overhead press, tricep extensions

Level 6 - merkins, rock squats, curls, overhead press, tricep extensions, rock rows

Level 7 - merkins, rock squats, curls, overhead press, tricep extensions, rock rows, burpees

Travel back down via the stairs and put your rock back where you found it, then line up for an Indian run back to the pocket park for some wall work.  Derkins, ALRSUs, dips, ALRSUs and irkins.


Circle up and go around the horn for dying cock-a-roaches, American hammers, LBCs, box cutters and Homer-to-Marge.


Count-a-rama:  6 Name-a-rama:  1 RESPECT, 3 mehs, 2 HATES Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for my niece’s father Chris as he battles colon cancer, prayers Repeato’s friend Mike and his family after losing their young son Jordan to cancer yesterday, prayers for guidance for Kermit as he explores a new career as a personal trainer. BOM:  YHC took us out.


Jiggly Puff joined YHC for an EC run before the workout.  Burt also joined us, but kind of by accident, he thought the regular workout started at 5:30 and was expecting a five minute EC run.

We passed the big fountain at the end of Academy Street during EC and the big fountain in the town hall courtyard during the Indian run, both were partially frozen and looked amazing.

As someone mentioned these smaller more intimate workouts are great for getting to know each other better.  It’s just one of the things that makes this AO so special.

Thanks for coming out on this cold evening and letting me lead.

See also