Frisco FOMO

YHC and site Q had the pleasure of leading the group on the last Hells Bells of 2019. By the end of this week it will be my 1 year anniversary with F3. I couldn’t thank this group enough for how much this has meant to me to be a part of Carpex. With my 1.0 in town for Christmas and a member of F3 Cleveland, I knew I had to bring my A game this morning. On to the thang.

No Fng’s, recited the pledge, and a quick mosey around the pickle. Circle up for good mornings, SSH’s, runner stretch, and sir fazio. Grab your bell of choice and mosey over to front of church. Circle up.

All Pax do Merkin on your bell to a row until I called time. Then first 2 Pax in circle ran off to do 5 medicine ball slams to burpees. While they were doing this the remaining Pax did kb swings. This will be the pattern. Next exercises were squat thrusters, wide-diamond-wide merkins on bell, squats to push outs, curls, triceps extensions, goblet squats, lunges, and then curls-presses-tri-extensions. Finally made it through all Pax turn for slams and burpees.
Mosey around pickle and circle back up again. Now we did goblet squats to high pulls. Then first 3 Pax in circle ran off for 5 pull-ups while remaining Pax did kB swings. Continued with bridge presses, lawn mowers, more curls, and more merkins until all Pax did their pull-ups.

Time for Mary. Passed it off to Earhart to call American hammers, lbc’s, ww2’s, and Freddie Mercury.

See also