
Date: 6/28/19

PAX: 20 HIMs - Alamo, Banjo, Blueprint, Chicken Big, The Commish, Freebird, Hamm, Hotspot, Hotty Toddy, Imp, QWERTY, Parker, Puddles, Short Circuit, Slim Shady, Sour Mash, Theismann, Two Factor, Un-skinny Bop, WWW

No FNG.  F3 admin stuff, done.  Pledge Allegiance to Old Glory, done.  Led the PAX to my truck to retrieve some bricks which we will get really close to along the way of the workout.  Mosey to circle for warm-up.


GM, Steve Earl, Calf Stretch, Sir Fazio, Eskimo Merkins, Burpees x10

Thang 1: 4 corners (add an exercise at each corner)

Corner 1: Burpees rock your body x 5

Corner 2: BRYW, box cutters x10

Corner 3: BRYW, box cutters x10, curls/presses/extensions x 30 each exercise

Corner 4: BRYW, box cutters x10, curls/presses/extensions x 30 each exercise, monkey humpers x40

Thang 2

Fetch the frisbee

Thang 3

Ultimate frisbee

Mary: Around the circle with PAX favorite Mary x10 reps.

Count-a-rama / Name-a-rama: 20 HIMs

Pulled Parker out to the center of COT, being the 6th HIM, to reintroduce himself to the PAX and to let us know why he keeps coming back to F3 and what F3 is to him.  Thanks Parker for doing that.


4th of July COnvergence … Bond Park; start time: 07:04

Hard launch of Hot for Teacher on 7/11

Green Mile beatdown on Saturday

Prayers/Praises: Prayers for Gilligan’s recovery.  Prayers for our injured Brothers to heal properly.  Prayers for my friend Mina for a safe procedure.


I continue to thank our Sky Q for continued blessings to wake up everyday to workout with you HIMs.

See also