Frigid Circus

It wasn’t raining and there was a sunrise, so mark that as a win in the weather column. However, the PAX kept complaining about “The Cold”. Now, the weed companies, pest companies, and Punxsutawney Phil all assure me that Spring has sprung. My hydrangeas agreed, much to the dismay of their now-wilted buds. Alas, I can’t do anything about that, but I can do something about the shivering PAX.

Beaker’s Beginnings (The Warm-up)

Mosey down the hill and around to the middle school parking lot, stopping at several places for SSH, IW, Windmills, and Good Mornings.

Beaker’s Beatdown (The Thang)

Part I - Since we were in a parking lot, we might as well make use of the lines:

  • Traveling merkins for the length of one parking space line, 1 burpee at the end
  • Traveling squats on the way back, 2 burpees at the end
  • Repeat that sequence, adding 1 burpee each travel, until you reach 10 burpees
  • The PAX stopped complaining about being cold. In fact, there was very little talking to be heard, period.

Part II - Finish the loop around the middle school all the way back to the drop-off circle and partner up for some Catch Dora If You Can

  • Partner 1 knocks out 5 merkins, 10 squats, and 15 LBCs an then catches Partner 2 and they switch roles. Repeat 5x per PAX
  • Unfortunately, it was ambitious after Part I and we still needed time for the grand finale, so audible to 4x reps per PAX

Part III - Gather the PAX and mosey back up to the basketball court for Stupid-cides

  • Same partners
  • Partner 1 burpee broad jumps 1/4 court, runs backward. Then bear crawls 1/2 court, runs backward. Then gorilla walks 3/4 court, runs backward. Then bunny hops full court, and runs backward.
  • Partner 2 repeats 5x low slow flutter, 5x heels to heaven, and 5x dying cockroaches until Partner 1 returns
  • Partners switch so they both can enjoy the fun

Beaker’s Bellies (The Mary)

Definitely a healthy dose of Mary during Part III, but there’s just something about her, and we needed more.

-Ring of Fire, Mary style. PAX calls out a Mary exercise, then circumnavigates the remaining PAX in a bear crawl. Next PAX repeats the process until we ran out of time, which happened at 45 minutes after we started.

Beaker’s Benediction (The COT)

COR/NOR - 16

Prayers - UTI’s wife’s grandmother just passed

YHC took us out

See also