Of course the day before I’m supposed to Q Point Break, I come up lame at a workout. Well, maybe lame is a bit harsh, but I did tweak my neck/back doing world’s worst merkins and thought maybe I should avoid anything like that at my Q. So low and behold, leg day was in the cards. I had to show up early just to run around Waverly a bit since I hadn’t been to Point Break in over a year. Needed to make sure I didn’t get lost in the middle of my Q – Term Paper wouldn’t have allowed that.

18 were ready to go, and after the pledge of allegiance, we took a mosey around the back side of the movie theater and up the stairs to Shake Shack while trying to lose Chicken Little on the way. Since Shake Shack was closed, we carried on with our warmup whilst hiding from him (ok, so it was in an open parking lot - we could’ve done better).


Good Mornings (we tried whispering so Chicken Little couldn’t find us – it did not work)


Calf Stretch

Wunners Stwetch (I can’t speak good)

Pterodactyl Stretch (Don’t know how to spell peeraformous)

8-count Squats

Thang 1

We headed back down the steps to the fountain for thang 1. Split into groups of 3’s…

Partner 1: AMRAP Pistol Squats

Partner 2: AMRAP Calf Raises

Partner 3: Run the pickle

*Each time a partner returned from their run, 5 burpees as a group.

We repeated this entire cycle 3 times because as Wahoo put it, YHC lacks creativity. Not what my M says, but whatever man.

Thang 2

Mosey to the top of While Foods parking lot for a little 4 corners action. Instructed PAX that we’d mosey to corner 1, run 60% of pace to corner 2, 80% to corner 3 and a full sprint up the hill to corner 4 with exercises as a full group at each corner.

Corner 1: Monkey Humpers 20 IC

Corner 2: Falling Towers 10x

Corner 3: Steaks Star Jumps 15x

Corner 4: 10-count of hard breathing

Back to Corner 1: Ballerina Squats 20x

Corner 2: One-legged Homer to Marge 8x each leg

Corner 3: Sumo Squats 20 IC

Corner 4: Another 10-count for hard breathing

Mosey back to the flag for Mary.


American Hammers 20 IC

Elbow to Knee 10 each side

A-Rods 15 IC

Have a nice day!

Announcements: Dinners for McCants’ family - sign ups ongoing

Prayers: Chicken Little’s coworker’s nephew and family and Ma Bell’s recovery

See also