Freedom Rings even when you're Dazed and Confused

Date: 11/15/19

As I was trying to develop the workout, all I can think about is honoring all our Veterans this week and it’s RESPECT week.

I always like to do something different in my workouts. It’s fun to scour the Exicon for new exercises. So, I dug deep into the list and brought out some stuff I’ve never heard about. Read on to know what we did:

F3-adminstrivia done. No FNGs. Pledged Our Allegiance to Old Glory. Mosey through the parking deck up the stairs, run in the elements to the other stairs and back down to the starting point to circle up for warm-ups.

Warm-ups: GM & Sun Salutations

Ready for the thang.

Team up into three: P1 runs the pickle, P2 does the first exercise to the count, P3 does the second exercise to the count. P1 Flapjacks with whoever is done. Running partner flapjacks with the remaining partner.

FLORA 25, 50, 75, 100 (Cannot move onto the next set of exercises until everyone is done) 25 of Burpees, Bobby Hurlee 50 of Merkins, Plankjacks 75 of LBC, 6” hold 100 Squat, monkey humpers

Reverse crunch (20 IC)

Eskimo Merkins (12 count)

E2K (10 IC each knee)

Dragon Walk (Walking Peter Parker) pylon to pylon. Now I know what it feels like to walk like a komoto dragon.

Obama (pylon to pylon)

Makhtar Jie (15 IC)

Rosalita Wip (10 IC)

Imperial Squat Walker: This is supposed to be a 4 count exercise. Count 1 = a squat. Count 2 = stand up and bring one knee up to the opposite elbow. Count 3 = a squat. Count 4 = stand up, other knee to other elbow. Q should be mindful to count at a pace that allows/encourages a nice, deep squat. Rushing the count produces girly squats. I could not get my count together. I finally got it with a 6 count.

Newton’s Cradle Merkin (I could not remember for the life of me what this was to do during the workout, so I improvised with Knee-up in plank position - aka Mountain Climbers)

Groiners (10 IC)

San Antonio Shuffle (pylon to pylon)

Circle up for Sun salutations to close out the workout.

COR: Respect (4), Meh (9)

NOR:  Crimson, Deuce, EarharT, Frisco, Honeycomb, Kwik Stop, Short Circuit, Silver Fox, Texas Ranger, The Joker, Traffic Cone, Triple Lindy, WWW


Thanksgiving convergence at BO … 0700 start

Prayers/Praises: Prayers and Praises for Crimson and his M (34 years of marriage), Prayers for guidance for Huckleberry, Prayers for guidance for Peeping Tom, Praises for all the Respects / Double Respects / Triple Respects.


Freedom Rings because of the dedication and sacrifice of our 1st Responders (military, police, fire, EMTs). When you thank them for their service, remember what the term really means and speak from the heat!

Thanks for letting me lead you in the gloom. It is always an honor for me.

See also