Freebird and Frisco Co-Q

Day 4 of Frisco Terror(ible) Week of Qs.

One of the skills I have learned is “if you can’t do it, co-Q it”.  Thus faced with the prospect of Bounty Hunters being 4th on the list this week and a massive, runnable site I decided to EH the exclusive and sometimes elusive Freebird as a co-Q.  Luckily I twisted my ankle a few weeks back getting a ladder out of my garage for him so he feels bad enough to jump in an Q with me.

And that was a terror(ible), terror(ible) mistake on my part.  When we DM-ed the night before we both had a vague idea of what we would each do.  Had I known Freebird would deliver a football practice-themed 20 minute beatdown I would have told him to stay home.  5 minutes in I wondered if I was going to have anything left for my own part of the Q.  10 minutes in I knew I would need to dig deep.  15 minutes in I was trying to figure out how to make myself merot so that I could ask Disco Duck to take the Q…until I saw him trying to make himself throw up so that I couldn’t ask him to.  

Here’s how it went down this morning at BH.

Warm Up:

Freebird led us in the pledge then headed off to the baseball field.  

Moroccan Night Clubs
Cherry Pickers
Good Mornings (thank you for the 5 reminders, Crimson)
Some other stuff

Thang 1: Freebird

Divide up in 2 groups.  Group 1 sprint from the dugout fence to the scoreboard fence.  Group 2 follows quickly on their heels.  

Same thing in the direction of the playground fence now (apparently there is a left, right and center field in baseball).  

Up and Downs (jog in place, burpee, jog in place, burpee…) x 10.

Reverse direction with Up and Downs back at the dug out.  

Repeato, repeato, repeato with backwards running.

Thang 2: Frisco

Stay in two groups.

Group 1 at home base does Captain Therkins (Captain Thor with a Merkin throw in for good measure)

Group 2 Lt. Danger (Lt. Dan with 5 Merkins thrown in for good measure) to the start of center field and mosey back.


We upped the merkins to 5 and then 15 somewhere along the way for Captain Therkin.

Mary:  PAX called.  Wonderbread and Denali showed up in time for Wonderbread to join in the fun.


Count-a-rama: 3 Respects, 13 Mehs, 3 Hates

Announcements: (Details on Slack)

9/11 Stair Climb coming up

Odyssey CSAUP on 10/5

Prayers and Praises:

Duck’s friend waiting to hear back on some tough news

Crimson’s relative who is struggling with some serious issues. Prayers for the family to find the best way to support her.

Meatloaf’s 2.1 Milton Bradley is going off to the college tomorrow. He’s a Boy Scout and an F3 PAX—the ladies ain’t got a chance.

A few others that I am sorry I am forgetting.


It was great to finally get my PUT6. I feel bad that I yelled at Honey Comb “It’s my time now! Frisco time! You button that lip and shut your pie hole. My time!” Luckily we were able to put out the fire in my car after the recording session was over and I saw what he was pointing at.

Great to co-lead today. Freebird is a true HIM!

See also