Fourth Year Celebration Part 1

This past Tuesday (4/6/21) marked the 4th year that YHC’s first post of F3 Carpex, and what an awesome ride its been! Time sure is a weird thing, as I like to say. It feels so long ago and yet it doesn’t feel like hardly any time at all, but I’ve certainly enjoyed getting to know and workout with all you guys and all the adventures ta boot! To celebrate YHC had planned out a special two part Q on this day. This beatdown from that morning at FWD is part 1 with part 2 coming that evening, but thats for another backblast.

Most of the HIMs including YHC started rolling in with around 10 minutes to spare, and after the EC runners had come in we had 14 total pax ready to roll in the glorious morning weather!

Warm up:

Run to the other part of the parking lot for some warm up exercises:

  • Good Morning
  • SSH
  • Overhead Clap
  • Seal Clap
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Plank Jacks
  • Calf Stretches

Thang 1:

Run down the dark greenway trail we get to the overpass bridge, then do 7’s running back and forth over the bridge: 6 Jump Squats on one side to 1 Hand Clap Merkin on the other.

We did some American Hammerswhen we finished to catch our breath. We then ran back the same way we came, stopping in the middle to do some WWIIs and LBCs.

Thang 2:

Back at the flag we did, what I like to call “2 groups exercises.”

Partner up, partner 1 started Bear Crawling around the parking circle while partner 2 ran to the top of the parking area and performed 10 Shoulder Taps, then ran back and switched with their partners.

We did the same routine again but with 10 Homer to Marges. After that we ran it for a third time doing 10 Copperhead Squats. All that was round 1, for round 2 everything stayed the same except we Inch Wormed around the circle, and we did 15 reps this time.


Most of the Mary was done before Thang 2. In addition to the ones already mentioned we also did:

  • Dying Cockroaches
  • Supermans

10 penalty Burpees finished off our time because one or two pax came in a little late.


If I remember correctly no announcements or Prayer requests were mentioned. So YHC took us out!


Thanks to all the pax who came out to help celebrate my 4th year in Carpex! As I said before its been awesome to get to know and workout with everyone in F3! Thank you all for pushing me each and every beatdown! You guys are awesome!!

See also