Fours + Special Guest Mary

This is the second Q for YHC, feels good to be leading again. If good things come in 2’s it must be twice as good to get 4. . . so let’s go with that

Let’s Go - 4.1

  • Disclaimer
  • Pledge
  • Mosey around the parking lot to the front of the church
  • I bet it’s like four 10ths of a mile. . .

Circle Up - 4.2

  • Four rounds of 10 stretches, 15 merkins, and 20 side straddles hops
  • Round1: Good mornings, standard merkins, standard side straddle hops
  • Round2: Abe Vigodas, diamond merkins, smurf jacks
  • Round3: Cotton pickers, ranger merkins, seal jacks
  • Round4: Chinooks, wide grip merkins, red bull smurf jacks (yes it’s in the exicon. . .and they suck, we should do them more often!)
  • Mosey to the soccer field

Four Corners - 4.3

  • On soccer field, ABCD, it’s easier than 1234, but still 4. . .
  • A(1) - 10 American Hammers, run long side of the field
  • B(2) - 10 Bobby Hurleys, lunge walk or bear crawl short side of the field
  • C(3) - 10 Carolina Dry docks, mosey long side of the field
  • D(4) - 10 Death Star Jumps (Pivot led these in full Boba Fett costume for Star Wars workout at Bounty Hunters, couldn’t find a good D, going with it!), lunge walk or bear crawl short side of the field
  • Get through four cycles, when you finish, mosey to the six and finish with them
  • Mosey to the stairs in front of the school

Four More - 4.4

  • If we don’t do one more 4, we won’t be at full fours, so here we go
  • Do 30 dips on the short brick wall
  • Walk down the stairs
  • Balls to the wall for 30 count (or as long as you can)
  • Sprint back up the stairs
  • Repeat 4 times, cut it short on last cycle to make time for Mary
  • Mosey back for flag

Mary - Featuring South Wake Special Guest

  • Thanks to Banana Seat from South Wake for coming up and leading our Mary. . . well I was going to say thank you but then he called us to plank for the whole last 5 minutes and do:
  • Peter Parker Peters
  • Right arm up, Left Arm Up
  • Nipplers
  • Down to chill cut plank
  • J-Lo’s
  • Side raises
  • Makhtar N’Diayes
  • Right leg up, Left leg up
  • Pickle Pounders

Circle of Trust

  • Announcements: New HFT soft launch tomorrow at 5:30 from Olive Chapel Elementary, Convergence at Bond Park on July 4th, Apex folks have to travel to the town with the girl name because the rest of the AOs are closed
  • Prayers / Praises: Remember Disco Duck’s family and especially his M after the passing of her dad, Disco Duck’s friend having prostate procedure, continue to remember WarChild’s family
  • YHC took us out in prayer

See also