Four Fantastic Floundering Fish

A wonderful rainy day for Back in Black with four Pax. I guess the other 3 did not know who was the Q, even the Site Q’s were smart enough to stay away.

Start off with a brief run in rain to find some shelter from the rain. When that failed we just stopped under and over hang and did some warm ups:

10 xGood Mornings

10x Side Saddle hops

15x Hillbillies

20x Merkins

Then it was suggested we run to Ritter Park and use shelter there, and it was made so.

At ritter park we were nice and dry in the shelter doing:

20x dips

10x supermanx

10x Mountain climbers

Then we did a Dora with:

50 Merkins

100 Carolina Dry Docks

150 Squats

After which we did some Mary’s including

25 LBC

20 Homer to Marge

100 flutters

25 American Hammers

20 break dance Merkins

After which we ran back for the count-a-rama names, and prayer. After which the best part of the day, coffee.

There is a rumor that we set the mileage record for BIB, of course I am sure the site-Qs can back this up, or not…

See also