Four Corners

Opening – We did a quick pledge of Allegiance then a run to the bottom parking lot behind Koko Booth

Warm-up – After a run to the parking lot we Circled up for 5 good mornings, 20 Side Straddle Hops , 10 or less really bad Imperial Walkers,  20 merkins and finished up with 20 Mountain Climbers.

The Thang –  We moseyed to the parking lot at the Koko booth entrance for 4 corners.

Corner 1 was 10 Burpees

Corner 2 was 20 Merkins

Corner 3 was 25 American Hammers

Corner 4 was 30 Squats

Round 2 was the same exercises but escalated by 5.

Round 3 we switched it up. 

Corner 1, 10 Burpees

Corner 2, 20 Low slow Flutters

Corner 3, 25 Box Cutters

Corner 4  10 Burpees  

We followed that up with a quick round of catch me if you can with Burpees as the exercise and then sevens on the hill. Low Slow flutters at the bottom and LBC’s at the top.  

Mary was Have a nice day. 

3.25 miles was achieved.
1 for a 4:45 EC run and 2 for a 4:55 EC run.

Circle of Trust (COT) Announcements :

TPC Saw Grass this Sunday at 2:00. Prayers for Discos Mother in law, Banjo’s daughter. Praises to Snips new niece. 

The flag was transitioned to Snip and Full House from Captain Jack.

See also