Four Corner Burnout

It twas a great morning in the downtown part of Apex as (lucky number) 13 pax, including an FNG, showed up for a beatdown! YHC made sure to get there a few minutes ahead of schedule to make sure Google maps was still all it was cracked up to be.. as well as my memory..

So after the disclaimer was given and the pledge was recited, we were off!

Warm up:

Making our way around the Fire Department, and the shopping areas connected to it, we did:

  • Good Mornings
  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Plank Jacks
  • Burpees

Thang 1- Four Corners

We then ran to the Wellness and Health Center and did a 4 Corners routine consisting of 3 laps

Lap 1 – 10 Carolina Dry Docks in each Corner

Lap 2 – 10 Leg Levers in each Corner

Lap 3 – 10 Prisoner Squats in each Corner

Thang 2- Four Corners Escalator

Start with an exercise in the first corner and build on it in the other three corners

Corner 1 – 10 Merkins

Corner 2 – 10 Merkins + 20 Squats

Corner 3 – 10 Merkins + 20 Squats + 30 Am. Hammers

Corner 4 – 10 Merkins + 20 Squats + 30 Am. Hammers + 40 Supermans

Thang 3- Four Corners Escalator “drop off”

We picked the exercises up, so we had to put them all back.

Corner 1 – 40 Merkins, 30 Squats, 20 Am. Hammers, 10 Supermans

Corner 2 – 30 Squats, 20 Am. Hammers, 10 Supermans

Corner 3 – 20 Am. Hammers, 10 Supermans

Corner 4 – 10 Supermans

We finished up by doing one more round of regular Four Corners, with 10 Dips in each one. Then we did Prisoner Indian Runs back to the starting point.

Thang 4-

A little to much time left on the clock so we did 2 group of Indian Run Catch Me If You Can, with the last pax in line dropping and doing 5 Pickle Pounders, then running up to the front of the line.


  • Dying Coackroach
  • LBC’s
  • Homer to Marge
  • Peter Parkers
  • Boat/Canoe
  • Have a Nice Day


13 Pax, welcome FNG Egon

Prayers/Praises: Prayers for a lady Mama’s Boy knows who has COVID. Praises for another person that Track Star mentioned who tested negative for COVID. (Sorry, I can’t remember the specific relationships between the pax and the individuals mentioned above. Guess my brain didn’t have enough oxygen at that moment.. But God still knows, and thats what matters most! Can I get and AMEN!)

YHC took us out! Great work guys!


Lets give a hats off to Flenderson for continuing through a majority of the beatdown after taking a spill on the sidewalk during warm up.

See also