Four Corner

It was a lovely yet chilly morning in the gloomiest of Monday Morning AO’s in Carpex. With it being the first full week of recommended (and in many cases mandated) social distancing, along with it being the morning after the Off-The-Books Tobacco Road Marathon, I was expecting low numbers. We had a grand total of 4 PAX. I was glad that those who came came and also glad that those who felt like they should stay away stayed away.

After we proclaimed our allegiance to these United States of America, we ran around the park track.
We then squared up in the basket ball court for:
Good Mornings x7
SSH x20 (due to the numbers, the entire workout was changed in my head during SSH)
Imperial Walkers x15
Sir Fazzio Arm Circles fwd x10 bwd x10
Overhead Clap x10
Seal Clap x10
Michael Phelps x10
Calf Stretch

Thing 1
Lap around the park track.
4 stations at the playground:
Person 1 - Burpees x15
Person 2 - Mountain Climbers (until Person 1 is finished)
Person 3 - Pull-ups (until Person 1 is finished)
Person 4 - Merkins (until Person 1 is finished)
Rotate Stations until each person has done each station.
Lap around the park track.
4 stations at the playground:
Person 1 - Burpees x10
Person 2 - Mountain Climbers (until Person 1 is finished)
Person 3 - Pull-ups (until Person 1 is finished)
Person 4 - Carolina Dry Docks (until Person 1 is finished)
Rotate Stations until each person has done each station.
Lap around the park track.

Square up in the basket ball court for:
20 Squats IC
Stretching (upper body and legs)
LBCs, Scuba Buddhas (T-Bomb in the Exicon), Box Cutters, Side-Plank Star Crunch

Not much in the way of announcements. We discussed fears and anxiety within our families about the virus. YHC took us out.

See also