Four-Alarm Fire


20 PAX stamped their passports and journeyed ALL THE WAY to DP on a misty, unseasonably-warm morning. YHC kept hearing something about it being a “first Friday,” and therefore cause for an “easier” workout! Yeah, right. Let the beatdown begin.

The Warmup

- Pledge of Allegiance at the Shovel Flag - Jog to the end of the parking lot, painting the lines along the way, run past the “field closed” sign onto the field, circle up. - Happy Jacks; Abe Vigoda, LBC’s; Crabjacks; Standard Merkins; Imperial Walkers; Squats - Mixed Run to the Shelter (Backwards Run, Karaoke L&R, Bear Crawl)

The Thang

- The FOUR-ALARM FIRE: Count off into groups of four and work as a four-person squad to… ALARM #1 - Shoulder Presses x25; ALRSUs (L/R is one) x25; LBCs (4-count) x25; Dirkins x25; Run a Lap ALARM #2 - OH Claps (4 count) x 20; Squat Jumps x20; Peter Parkers x20; WIDE Grip Merkins x20; Run a Lap ALARM #3 - Burpees x15; Bobby Hurley x15; Hillbillies (L/R is one) x15; Diamond Merkins x 15; Run a Lap ALARM #4 - Crab Cakes (L/R is one) x10; Al Gore Hold 60 sec; Am. Hammers (4 count) x10; Irkins x 10; Run a Lap - From the end of the lot, sprint between the islands, circle up for Mary


- Sweat Angels and Side Plank Star Crunches


- Folded Arm Hang; move to the right and left - Achilles Stretch left and right - Sumo Squat Stretch; slow roll up - Chicken Wing stretch right and left

Heroic work, men!

See also