They said it couldn’t be done.  It was just too far in too short of time.  Too many variables to avoid the dreaded asterisk.  They said Hello Kitty defined “up tempo”’ for the CarPex region with his official non-asterisk AO record of 4.55 miles.  He was the champ.  Our job was just not to be chumps.  Well gentlemen, six PAX showed up on a crisp Christmas Eve morning to prove it could be done.  No frills, no themes, no excitement, just plain old vanilla on a mission to go the distance and prove we weren’t just another bunch of bums from the neighborhood.

Here’s What We Did:

  1.  Circle Up at 5:30 A.M.  YHC established the goal and the PAX fell in line and we were off at a brisk pace down Regency Parkway. 
  2. Ran for a while and circled up for 10 Burpees - OYO.
  3. Ran for a while then  paused for some plank holds and Standard Merkins.
  4. Ran to the bus parking lot at Penny Road Elementary.  Ran the traffic circle three times with three pit stops for Standard Merkins. Squats.  And dips. 
  5. Ran back to the flag the way we came with two more stops along the way.  More of the same.  Plank Holds and Standard Merkins.
  6. Back to the flag with a few minutes to kill so added to the mileage with a few circles around the parking lot.
  7. Finished off with a little Have A Nice Day
  8. Mission Accomplished. History Made.  Total mileage in regulation: 5.09 Miles.


Praise for FreyDaddy and his run/fundraiser.  Continued Prayers for Ausfahrt.  Prayers for our F3 Brothers for God’s blessings during the holidays.  YHC took us out.  Oofta treated the PAX to Coffee w/ Oofta afterwards. 


That was a lot of fun.  Thanks men.

See also