My box checking has kept me away from FMJ for a while, and I am not fully prepared for the parking lot.  I’m not sure what Ma Bell and Orphan are doing to this AO, but it looks like a war zone.  I find a parking spot amidst the rubble and heavy machinery as Flat Saban and Happy Gilmore come back from an EC run.

8 for what feels like a pretty nice morning despite the weather forecast.  It seems that last night’s discussion of shelter options has kept the headcount down despite some DBB messaging.

Fun Fact - Flip Flop didn’t come to the EC because he was on the crapper.    

Pledge and then mosey across the street to the parking lot behind Hope Chapel and circle up for warm-up:

  • 6 Good mornings IC
  • 15 IW IC
  • Runner’s Stretch
  • Calf Stretch

Two lines of four for Scout Runs back across the street and one lap around the track.  I stole the scout run from Squatter last week.  It is a great concept.  If I’m not stealing one exercise a week am I really even trying?

Partner up for track exercises .  At each of 4 spots (the middle of each straightaway and corner turn) partners will take turns doing the following:

  • Lap 1 -  Merkins (5, 10, 15, 20) / Low Plank Hold
  • Lap 2 -  Prisoner Squats (5, 10, 15, 20) / Squat Hold
  • Lap 3 -  CDDS (5, 10, 15, 20) / Chilcutt
  • Lap 4 -  Diamond Merkins (5, 15) and Wide Grip Merkins (10, 20) / Plank Hold

It takes one lap to get everyone sorted out on instructions.  Still not clear if that is a communication or listening issue.

Traditional WFT Run back towards the flag and once around the pond loop, just so Flip can use his headlamp.  This path may not be technically open, but whatever. 

We have the perfect number of men and the perfect pickle to finish off with a Chilcutt Circle Sprint.

MST this weekend - volunteer opportunities are available.  But not the 1-4 AM shift because Parker has that under control.  Prayers for a friend dealing with ALS and for some recently departed friends and their families.   A solid reminder to give thanks for each day and live it to the fullest.  YHC took us out.

See also