Flying Circus Ruck 12/28/17

YHC rolled in to Flying Circus on two wheels this morning, after a quick decision to bring Rolling Stone out to the best Thursday NW Cary AO in the universe. With no other ruckers HC’d and precious little time to EH the crowd, I figured I was in for a Sky Blue beatdown… until Franklin decided that a ruck was just what he needed to continue his Carnival recovery programme.

With some weight on our backs, we were off. The FC crew was off and flying, so we bypassed their warmup and headed straight for a meandering mosey around Mills Park. We stopped briefly in the shelter of the school building for a quick set of squats, upright rows, and overhead presses.

From there it was out to Green Level Church to tackle the big hill. Bringing coffee back from McDonald’s was briefly considered, but dismissed more out of concern for time than courtesy.

We rejoined the FC’ers on the basketball court for gassers and Mary, and a good time was had by all. I think.


Elevator pitch given at coffeeteria. I think Flip Flop was expecting something more extravagant. I’ll have to work on it.

Parker let it be known he had acquired a ruck over Christmas. It’s on! #ruckup

See also