Flying BLIMPS, Double Dora

First off, I just want to thank Half for getting a wicked sty so I could quickly snag a last second Q! You’re the man! (get well soon)

Secondly, I want to thank Goose and Sky Blue for welcoming YHC with open arms this morning. Their hospitality is unbeaten. It really, truly is the greatest AO in northwest Cary on Thursdays!

My last Q was about 6 weeks ago. I’ve been itching to lead again, but never took the time to actually open the Q sheets to sign up. In fact, last week I was daydreaming at work (a common occurrence) and thought if someone were to drop off a Q at the last second, I’d definitely want to pick it up. During that same stream of consciousness, I remembered that I need to start getting out of my normal AO routine and branch out. I honestly thought to myself, “Self, you really ought to go check out Flying Circus.” That thought led to a bevy of other ridiculous thoughts about lions and trapeze artists, and Batman, for whatever reason. Still trying to figure that one out.

Enter Half. Dude had a health issue concerning his eye and couldn’t Q. As a contacts wearer, I’ve had my fair share of weird eye issues and I can tell you one thing…I’ve never been forced to miss a workout because of any of them.

Now look, I’m not saying Half was using it as an excuse to fartsack. And I’m not saying he could have or should have pushed through and kept his commitment to lead. And I’m definitely not calling him a liar. But what I am saying is this: that must have been one helluva sty to knock him out for days. Did you catch that? Days. That’s plural. DAYS…

It’s all good, though. I was able to benefit from him dropping out because I got to snag a last second Q like I had wanted to do, and he was able to stay asleep this morning. You know, with his sty.


I’m new here, so Goose was polite enough to steer me toward probably the greatest steps in Carpex. The steps at the performing arts building at BO are fine. The steps at FOD are decent but short. The steps at Danger Zone and downright scary and dangerous and miserable and gravel and dark and should probably be closed off (what the hell, Cheddar Bo?), but the steps at Flying Circus are incredible. Like, the best steps. I don’t think you could dispute it, even. It’s just factual, based on analysis and science, and even on a spiritual level, the steps call out to you like a beacon of hope on a cold, dreary morning.

I mean, I really liked these steps.

We went down the steps and out to the field for Merkins, Plank Jacks, Good Mornings, Sir Fazios, and SSH.


Because it was a last second Q, I reached deep into my patented “Callahan Bag’o’QTricks” and whipped out my new favorite Q method, one that I call the RAP-Q Method, where RAP-Q clearly stands for Reuse-A-Prior-Q. So, I tried to remember the last Q that really hurt me physically in all the right ways. “Eureka!” I said aloud in my car. “Why don’t I just use the beatdown that I crushed those F3 Indy boyz with while I was home for Thanksgiving?!?”

(I want you to know, but also don’t want you to know, that I just wrote and deleted an entire conversation I had with myself - not a real convo, of course - but after reading it, I just felt way too uncomfortable to actually put it on the internet. Has this happened to anyone else? I just don’t know what’s normal these days, you know?)

A quick aside: The M, a nurse practitioner by profession, has been gently urging me to get screened for adult ADD. I have no idea why. After reading the last paragraph, I may want to get screened for a couple other things, right?

Holy hell…I’ve written almost 700 words and all I’ve gotten through is the warm up. Let’s speed this up, shall we?

Inflating Blimps:

You all know what this is. 5 Burpees. 10 Lunges, 15 Imperial Walkers, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks, 30 Squats. Run up (or down) the steps between each exercise, adding a new exercise each time (so start with 5 burpees, run, then 5 burpees and 10 lunges, and so on).

People’s Chair when you’re finished. Once the 6 finished, 10 count down the line.

Lazy Dora:

You all know what this is. 100 Merkins (partner planks instead of run), 200 squats (partner squat hold), 300 LBC (partner 6 in. leg hold).

Dora 1-2-3:

You all know what this is. 100 Carolina Dry Docks, 200 Star Jumps, 300 leg lifts (eventually audibled to LBCs for the sake of time). Partner runs backward to the next island, then reverse run back to partner (this was Ma Bell’s favorite).


We sorta were doing Mary with the Dora, so when the PAX finished that up, we just rolled over and held a Superman until time was up. ~90 seconds or so.


Count-o-rama: 14 Asinine Acrobats Name-o-rama: Still 14 - 3 RESPECTS, 1 hate, 10 Meh Announcements: MmHmm Prayers/Praises: Moped is getting married - congrats! Prayers for Luke x 2, F3 Churham PAX Troller dealing with so much loss lately.


  • I asked the PAX for a leg based exercise for the Dora 123 since we did squats earlier. Pet Sounds shouted out Star Jumps. That THOROUGHLY sucked.
  • Ma Bell: “Hey bro, we ought to run backward one way, and reverse run on the way back.” Callahan: “Umm, yeah, that’s exactly what we’re doing here, Ma.” *Ma Bell stares blankly* Callahan: “Would you like a minute to think about it?”
  • At one point, Ma Bell ripped a douzy and it smelled like Hendrik’s diaper last night. Baby powder and all, man.
  • I joked the theme for today would be “The Revolutionary War”, simply because Goose is an ex-Navy guy and Sky Blue is British. I was even going to bring a red pea coat for Sky Blue to wear, but ultimately decided against it because that would involve more planning than I was willing to do (which is almost nil)
  • Okay, let’s be real for a second. I only took the Q so I could write a back blast. I don’t think that makes me a bad person, as long as the workout was a good one. And I think it was a good one, personally.
  • (Yep, just wrote another thing that I couldn’t bring myself to post on the internet. It had something to do with Riptide and we’ll just leave it at that.)
  • Broke the 1,000 word mark, which is minimum for a mega-dope back blast. Just ask Captain Insane-O. He writes mega-dope back blasts. You think my stuff is long, go check him out…
  • ^ things not to say to your M. Ever.
  • I should go.

Thanks for letting me lead. I know it’s hard for you to do that.


See also