Flirtin' With a Double Dribble

On Wednesday,  August 22nd, the Carpex Fighting Fish PAXetball team meet at Marla Dorrell park, the home of Carpex Court, for an early morning practice.

27 members of the team, YHC included and an FNG from New Jersey (lifelong friend of YHC) met at the hardwood (or pavement), because as YHC’s tweet pointed out, “Hard bodies are made on the hard wood (pavement).” And with that, practice was under way:

The Warmup:

  • Lap from lot 1 to lot 2 with high knees and butt kickers
  • Circle up with a 1-4 count off (hold until later)
  • Side Stockton Hops (SSH) in cadence x 12
  • Michael Jordan Merkins (standard Merkin) on my down x 23
  • LeBron Leg Lifts in cadence x… well… it looked better on paper
  • Back to the Carpex Court

Thang 1:

  • In groups of 4, we went to 4 corners
  • Bear crawl to center court, do 1 Bobby Hurley
  • Lunge back to your corner for ACC’s:
    • American Hammer x 23
    • Carolina Dry Docks x 23
    • Chinook Arm Circle Squats x 23 (Captain Hermes new favorite)
    • Upon completion, PAX to the baseline in teams of 2
    • Teammate 1 suicide while Teammate 2 is planking x 6 as a team

Thang 2:

  • Team run to the rock pile in lot 2
  • Rock exercise:
    • Curls x 45 (MJ the return)
    • Overhead press x 23
    • Triceps extension x 23
    • Rock row x 23
    • Rock squat x 23
  • In between rock exercise the PAX showed off their agility with a loop around the lot and a side shuffle weave in between the big balls (giggidy)
  • Team run (somewhat of an Indian) back to Carpex Court

Thang 3:

  • In teams of 2, Dora 1-2-3… one PAX exercise and one PAX running the lot
    • 100 Merkins
    • 200 LBC
    • 300 Squats
  • EC on Thang 3, as the PAX split in 2 for a few rounds of tip drill off of the backboard (finally the basketball actually came into play). Penalty burpees x5 for the PAX when the ball (and it did) hit the ground.


  • Captain Hermes led the men through some Mary, as YHC was grabbing his hand-held device for a song and COT
  • In honor of the episodic film Space Jams, the team did planks (and stuff) to R. Kelly’s I believe I Can Fly. It was emotional.

COT Announcements:

  • F3 Dads 0900 at Bond on 8/26
  • 9/11 Stairclimb at 0530 at NC State on… yup… 9/11
  • Give the Gear Q 1 more day to lock in the shirt details and YHC will share with the PAX on the appropriate channels

Prayer requests:

  • For a PAX friend who is struggling and considering suicide, give him guidance.
  • Praise from Reapto for the expanded fellowship at his church. Feels like a great place to recruit a few Sad Clowns and convert them to PAX.


Men, this was my 2nd Q (in the last 2 weeks), and I admit I got the bug after Q1 (football practice). Thank you for giving it all you got, and personally for extending the world-renowned Carpex hospitality to a visiting FNG, and a good friend of mine who now goes by the name The Situation. Until next time, SYITG and attack the day with an enthusiasm unknown to man.

– Coach Kitty

See also