Flag Day Fun

June 14, 2018 – Flag Day

YHC Bayonne was honored to host 19 other men (including two F3 HIMs’ sons) for his first “real Q” (not counting a last-minute stand-in for McCants at FWD 5/29) on a glorious sunny Flag Day morning in the Peak of Good Living, USA. Today’s magic number was 14, in honor of the day.  Tank Top participation was mediocre, with YHC and 8 other HIM’s sporting some form of non-sleeved attire (Red Ryder and Disco Duck being among the best dressed).


Mosey to the softball field for a round of Good Morning, Abe Vigodas, Nancy Kerrigans and Side Straddle Hops all in cadence, 14 reps.  Mosey out to the track, with EarharT navigating, en route to the Thang for a circle up and some arm work with a Bat Wing routine, also in cadence, 14 reps each of forward arm circles, backward arm circles, seal claps and overhead claps, finished off with a set of Imperial Walkers, then off again with EarharT in the lead.

The Thang

Mosey down the park path, across the tracks and Salem street to the office building for a DORA 1-2-3.  Partnered up (YHC with Disco Duck) for:

70 Burpees (first 14 as Bropees); 140 Merkins (first 14 as partner clap Merkins); 280 Sumo Squats

Alternating partner runs up the stairs, around, back down, Repeato until complete


Mosey back to the park, with a diversion to the FIA lot as the ladies were circled up in our F3 skate zone.  Circle up, squat for the six, a few squatty Michael Phelps and tricep stretches, then Freddy Mercs in cadence for 28 reps, American Hammers in cadence for 14 reps.  With FIA approaching, recover and mosey back to the flag for Box Cutters in cadence, Low Slow Flutters in cadence (both on 14 reps), holding in position for counts by the HIMs, then Have a Nice Day.


Count-a-rama:  20 Name-a-rama Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for Disco Duck’s M

YHC took us out


Proud to lead today, men.  Thank you for the support in getting me out here, motivating me, holding me accountable.

See also