Flacco's Shock & Awe!

Image result for shock & awe

DATE: September 27, 2018

QIC: Sabre

AO: Bradford’s Ordinary

PAX: (including Bruisers)  29 total gathered in Gloom of DTC (23 boot camp, 6 Bruisers, including a 1-legged Kitty, or is it Das Boot?!)

8 respects , 6 hates, 0 FNGs


So I learned what “shock & awe” pre-blast means to Flacco – it means that he is going to hype an epic beatdown, then scoot out-of-state, give the ole neighbor a call to say …. hey, help a brother out & take my Q??

It’s ok, he introduced me to F3 & I’m very grateful!  Also, the predicted rain held off & we had a lovely morning!


Warm Up:

Mozy to bank plaza – why do we do that?  I couldn’t see a thing!  (even though I thought I spotted a @Red Ryder

SSH x 20

Standard Merkins x20

Imperial Walkers x 15

Standard Merkins x20

Hill Billies x25

Standard Merkins x20

Calf stretch left

Calf stretch right (heard about all those calf raises earlier in week)

Mountain climbers x15


Mozy to the Baptist church lot & partner up.

Round 1:  partner 1 runs to bottom of lot & does 5 burpies, partner 2 bear crawls the pickle until he returns – flip flop

Round 2:  partner 1 runs to bottom of lot & does 15 sumo squats, partner 2 crawl bears the pickle until he returns – flip flop

Round 3:  partner 1 runs to bottom of lot & does 20 CDDs, partner 2 lunge walks the pickle until he returns – flip flop

Round 4:  partner 1 runs to bottom of lot & does 40 LBCs, partner 2 Berrie Sanders up to Academy Street & forward jogs back until he returns – flip flop

Mozy to fountain

Stay with your partner on benches for:

Irkins 20, Dips 20, Irkins 15, Dips 15, Irkins 10, Dips 10

Dirkins 15, Sumo Squats 15, Dirkins 10, SS 10, Dirkins 5, SS 5

Mozy to Mayton Inn for world’s worst merkins (by request of somebody in a tank top)  – did 4 in cadence poorly as I was out of juice

Partner sprints to the flag & meet up with Bruisers


Dying cockroach – courtesy of Kermit

Freddy Mercuries – courtesy of Angry Elf

Have a nice day – yours truly


New Thrusday AO – Back in Black at Koka Booth – starts in 2 weeks, I hear its early in the morning

Odyssey Oct 20

Haven House donations are still needed – links are on Slack or connect with @burt, @coney


Red Lobster has a new job leading as Youth Pastor

Prayers to Chinese Downhill for answering the 2:30 am call from a young man who needs help at NC State.

Callahan family getting close to delivering a bundle of joy sometime over the next 2 weeks – hang in there M!

Thank you gentlemen – I heard quite a bit of grumbling in the mumble chatter, so I’ll take that as a complement!  I got a ton of energy from you this morning & sincerely appreciate it!


See also