<strong>First Contact at Phoenix</strong>

DATE: 2023-02-11
AO: Phoenix
Q: Pigpen
PAX: VHS, Poncherello, Pierogi, Flacco, Baywatch, En Garde, Big Red, Yeah Baby, Rolls Royce, Zangief, Pigpen
FNGs: Zangief
In my Raleigh Slack preblast I openly wondered how my plan would fare first contact, and it was a little rough!

SSH x20 IC, IW x20 IC, Fazio F x10 IC, Fazio R x10 IC, Merkins x10 OMD, Downward Dog, Calf isolations, runners stretch, Mountain Climbers x10 IC

Attempted a lighter version of the Wendell Gee at the Lake Dam. Partner up, run opposite directions around the loop. When partners meet, one partner squat holds, other partner does burpees x5. Flapjack. Repeat x4 (each partner will have done 25 burpees). Finish loop. We got too much separation here and the fast guys started to repeat when we were supposed to switch up exercises. Called an audible to squat hold for everyone to come back in. Repeat but with plank holds and merkins x10 up to each partner doing 50 merkins. Big Red got uppity at the meeting point, so we scrapped finishing the loop and moved to the shelter loop to finish with LBCs up to 50 each at the flat, smaller parking lot loop.
-Stationary 11s on the benches. Right Left Step Ups (each side counts as one) and dips.
-Derkins x15
-Sevens back at the senior center: Star Jumps and Carolina Dry Docks. Bear Crawls out, Lunge walks back.

PAX-led Mary. Pigpen: E2Ks x10/side, Pierogi: American Hammers x10 IC, Flacco: Box Cutters x10 IC, Baywatch: Freddie Mercurys x10 IC, En Garde: Side Plank Star Crunches x10IC/side

Raleigh: Uncommon Bonds today 9:30-12, The Ocho 3/6-3/11, The Mule 3/11, MST Ultra + 10 M 3/18
Carpex: Sawgrass today, don’t remember the others. Burt unhappy we didn’t have announcements for Charlotte.

Prayers spoken and unspoken.

Welcome, Zangief! Yes we could’ve worked on a name that wasn’t based on him being Russian, but VHS told me afterwards he works with Games (I think, maybe just IT), and he does Aikido. So the Russian fighter from Street Fighter 2 is not just cool, but kind of fitting. Hopefully he comes back soon. Might’ve Q’d him away.

See also