Finish Strong

With all the other Monday AOs starting at 05:30, A-Team was the last chance to post in Carpex in 2018. 13 men showed up ready to Finish Strong!

Warm-Up Mosey towards the shelter at the back of the park, stopping along the way for imperial walkers, side straddle hops, standard merkins and prisoner squats.

The Thang In the shelter grab some bench for irkins, ALRSUs, dips, ALRSUs and derkins x 20. Take a lap around the pickle. Grab some bench and repeato x 18.

Mosey over to the rock pile and partner up with someone who likes the same size ego rock as you for Rocky Dora. One partner runs to the pickle and back while the other knocks out squats, rows, curls, overhead presses and tricep extensions x 100.

Mosey back towards the front of the park, stopping at the top of the hill for the round of good mornings that we missed during warm-ups.

Mosey down to the bottom of the beautiful and freshly paved power line hill for one single burpee, then back up to the parking lot at the top for a round of Freddie Mercurys, Homer-to-Marge and box cutters.

Mary Mosey back to the front parking lot and circle up for a round of PAX-led Mary that included LBCs, Pamela Andersons, cox butters, copperhead merkins x 19 and Have A Nice Day.

COT Count-a-rama:  13 Name-a-rama:  5 RESPECT, 7 meh, 1 HATE Prayers / Praises:  Continued prayers for Ausfhart and his family as he recovers, prayers for Hotspot and his family as his 2.0 goes for her drivers license today, prayers for Traffic Cone’s 2.0 after breaking his leg, prayers for WKRP and his M’s family after the loss of her father, prayers for Goose and his family as his M’s aunt deals with cancer, prayers for Cataracts and his family as their dog begins chemotherapy.

BOM:  YHC took us out

NMS Sooey, Sub and Two Factor joined YHC for an EC fellowship run. Seems like Sub is pretty fast.

Nice to have Quiver back in the gloom.

One of the PAX browned out during the shelter portion of the work out, it’s not quite splashing merlot, but I’ll take it as a compliment all the same.

YHC partnered up with Hotspot for the Rocky Dora, which was a mistake. He can run to the pickle and back before I can catch my breath.

Thanks to Smokey for reminding me about the good mornings.

Only time for one trip up and down power line hill, and YHC’s knee could only handle one single burpee. Expect more of both next time.

We closed out the year with Ma Bell leading us in merkins. That’s how you Finish Strong!

Thanks to all who came out this morning and all who made 2018 a great year, looking forward to even bigger and better things in 2019.

See also