Finally Cracked that Whip

January 19, 2019

Pax: Banjo, Biner, Buddy the Elf, Build a Bear, Chanticleer, Chinese Downhill, Denali, Half, Fava, Frey Daddy, GTL, Grease Monkey, Hi-Liter, MacGruber, Michelob, Morse Code, Old Maid, PBX, Red Card, Red Sea, Shut In, Slim Jim, Squatter, Sub, Sunshine, Wonderbread,

Several handfuls for 3.1 miles EC, some are listed here: Banjo, Build a Bear, Chanticleer, Denali, Michelob, Old Maid, Red Card, Red Sea, Slim Jim, Squatter, Sub, Sunshine, Wonderbread,

Several really late comers, 1 FNG, announcements, and we’re off.

Brisk pace towards Lake Boone Trail with warmup stop on the way at parking lot across from the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin: SSH, Imp Walkers, Windmills, 5 burpees oyo, cotton pickers, Hillbillies, 5 more burpees.

Recovered on the brisk pace jog to the lower level of UNC Rex Women’s Center parking deck off of Rex Way.

Round 1: AYG to the top with stops, odd turns 5 merkins, even turns 5 burpees. Dying cockroaches or Pick Up The 6, recover on stairs to lower level.

Round 2: AYG to the top with stops, odd turns 10 merkins, even turns 10 block shots. American Hammers or Pick Up The 6, recover on stairs to lower level.

Round 3: AYG to the top with stops, odd turns 15 offset merkins, even turns 15 monkey humpers. WWII or Pick Up The 6, recover on stairs to lower level.

Round 4: AYG to the top with stops, odd turns 5 merkins, even turns 5 burpees. Boat Canoes or Pick Up The 6, recover on stairs to lower level.

Grab your stuff and brisk jog back to the NCMA amphitheatre. Broadjump up the seats waiting on the 6, then 2 rounds of broadjump up the seats and run the loop, finishing with a broadjump up the seats and mosey to the flag.

Mary: LBC’s and SUB led Dying cockroaches and Pamela Andersons

26 pax + 1 Grease Monkey early departure, 27 pax

Welcome Raleigh FNG Morse Code

Announcements: F3 Dads at Bond Park, OCRRC [Oak City Recovery Run Club] meets every Saturday 0800 at Lake Johnson for 1, 3, and 5 miles options.

Prayers: Yukon Cornelius and M


Excellent mumble chatter this am. Thanks for the challenge, you make me better.

Sometimes you have to venture outside the park. Today was that day.

Excellent talk with MacGruber on Speed for Need returning to NCMA. Watch for announcements later this spring.

If you don’t know Chinese Downhill’s story, listen here his interview on the F3 RoundTable or read his Muggo interview.

Somewhere less than 4 miles covered for Whip and 3.1 for EC.

Pax of 1 for triple down with OCRRC Post Credit at Lake Johnson, 2.5 miles.

Tclaps to Carpex’s SUB, relatively new pax, completing a 6 pack at Whip along with 6 EC’s

See also