Final Countdown Beatdown

Date: 3/11/19 QIC: WWW AO: Hells Bells PAX: Ashbury, EarharT, FNG House Arrest, Kubota, Meatloaf, Milton Bradley, Monkey Nut, Puddles, Rooney, Sega, Snooze, Triple Lindy, WWW

Hells Bells has always been one of my go-to workouts. There are so many things you can do with the KBs and it is defaulted to a limited run AO which is right down my alley. The gloom temp was spot on (balmy 60+ degrees). 13 PAX were ready to go.

F3 announcement, the Pleadge Alegiance and off we go to mosey around the pickle.

Warm-up Circle up for GM, Abe Vigoda, calf stretch with merkin palooza (standard, offset L/R, wide-grip, diamond) merkins x8 each hand position, Sir Fazio (forward & reverse).

Partner up for the thang - pain station-to-pain station.

Thang 1 KB Curls KB Overhead Presses KB Extensions Goblet Squats WWII with a press Mosey to pull-up bar and do pull-ups x5 return back to PAX.

I was one pain station short.  That’s the beauty of F3 - modify as needed.  I added Rock-you-body to the mix.

Circle up for some abdominal concentration.  WWII with KB press, Flutter kicks with KB press, merkins x25.

Thang 2 1/2 curls One-arm clean and jerk to a press Dips Lunges with KB Flutter kicks with KB press Mosey to pull-up bars and do pull-ups x5 return back to PAX

Once everyone has gone through once, it was time to mosey to the pavilion for some picnic table work.

Thang 3 Round 1 Tea bags x10 Irkin on table x10 Irkin on bench x10 standard merkin x10 Dips x10 IC People’s chair with air presses x10 IC People’s chair with seal clap x10 IC

Round 2 Tea bags x10 Irkin on table x10 Irkin on bench x10 standard merkin x10 Dips x10 IC

Mosey back to the flag for Mary

Mary PAX choice favorite ab exercise x10 Have a nice day

Count-a-rama: 13 Name-a-rama: Respect (1), Mehs (8), Hate (4) Announcement: Breaking Bread next week @ SnS (must be at for Liverpool and Water Wings Chimbote, Peru testimony), Q Source AM (Beaver Creek Panera) / PM (Park West Panera) Prayers / Praises: Disco Duck, his M Kelly, and daughter Grace for their recovery.  Crimson and his family. Sooey’s recovery. Ausfarht’s recovery

NMS I could not have planned the timing any better.  As we got done with our mosey back to the flag from the picnic bench funtime to start Mary, Apple Music started playing Europe’s “Final Countdown”. Perfect timing to close out the beatdown with the perfect song.

As always, it’s a true blessing to be out in the gloom with such awesome HIMs. I’m blessed to be out there and leading you all for some temple building.

See also