Filling 45 minutes 3 minutes at a time

The major upside to this slow re-open is the opportunity to (relatively) last minute decide to Q previously never visited locations. Especially those that (usually) have Q-spots filled up months and months in advance. Point Break, an AO I know only as a result of the Waverly Wednesdays from a by-gone era, is one such location.

I take it back…. there was that fantastic Daddy-Daughter Date-Night at Waverly last year. My daughter got dressed up in her tux, we had a fancy Chick-fil-A dinner, enjoyed a chair message and even ran into a few PAX. Had I remembered that night before literally just now as I write this BB, I may have come up with a theme for the Q. Maybe next time.

As is, Wednesday’s adventures at Point Break were really just YHC exploring the site and figuring out what a future (“better”) Q would look like.


Banjo wanted to earn some Hill Mafia points so YHC, the aforementioned Banjo and a slingless B-a-B hit the Neverending Hill. A second crew said “Hell No” to team building and point gathering and stuck to the regular pond loop.

Back at the flag after aborting a third trip up the hill (Banjo still got after it… since he’s a beast), I tried to get to know the PAX a bit more. Lots of new faces. Fantastic! Many have been getting after it for a long time. Less fantastic. Means YHC is not getting around much and neither are these dudes. Urge y’all to get out there. CARPEx has a lot to offer. That includes YHC.

Warm up

SSH IC x15 + Burt-jacks IC x15
IW x20
GM x8
Plank-jacks IC x15 + low-plank-jacks IC x10

Happy to see the Burt-jacks and low-plank-jacks went over like a fart in church. :)

Pearls on a String

The rest of the morning consistent of mosey-stuff combinations. Brief descriptions (of what I can remember that is) follow.

  • Around the circular planters in front of the taco shop: IC Step-ups / Irkins / IC Dips. Somewhere around 20 each.
  • By the Walgreens retaining wall: more IC Step-ups / Irkins / IC Dips. Remembered the Dirkins this time. Again somewhere around 20 each.
  • In front of the stretch lab: 1/2 PAX doing BTTW or People’s Chair while the other 1/2 knock out HRM, WWIIs, Bonnie Blairs and flip flip in between
  • Back in front of the circular planters for one-legged People’s Chair & Bulgarian Squat flip flop combos (not pistol squats mind you)
  • Mosey back to the flag until Full House (I think) reminded me that we left a mess so …
  • Back to the circular planters for more IC Step-ups / Dirkins / IC Dips / Irkins. 20 each. Then put the benches back nice and neat for the next users.

Back at the CineBistro parking lot.

Aside: are any of the movies advertised in the posters on the wall ever going to see the inside of a theater??

1/2 PAX cycle through 20 IC flutter kicks & 10 Merkins. Other 1/2 bear crawl / sprint some lines. Flip flop. 3x.


Obliques set. 25x IC LBC, 20x Obliques Left, 20x IC L/R Heel Touches, 20x Obliques Right. A little bit of stretching.


  • Countarama: 16. Two Respects. I’m forgetting one person.
  • Announcements: encourage the runners in the group to check out Measure Twice Monday AM.
  • Praises: Thankful for Memorial Day weekend.
  • Prayers: none spoken


As mentioned above, happy to see a ton of guys I have not seen before. Need to get out into the netherregions of the gloom more. And encourage guys to get around a bit as well.

Thanks for the Leave No Trace reminder.

Lots of conversation about the beach. Clearly families are getting stir crazy.

Second Aside: this morning at 7A, I had a call with a colleague based in Singapore. She and her husband (no kids) have been basically locked in their apartment there for 12 weeks. Twelve!! In Singapore, you are allowed to leave your home for exercise (solo only … no gathering) or groceries. Apps on your phone track where you go and temperature scanners are everywhere. You get a clean-bill if your temp is OK. If you register ‘hot’, watch out. The upside: they are quickly approaching zero cases in the general population. [The migrant worker population is a whole another thing]. The downside: holy privacy invasion! Not providing a judgement, as a densely populated city like Singapore is very different from Cary or Apex. But I am happy to be living here.

See also