Fight Back

8 HIMs had no interest in letting the snow be an excuse to sleep-in and in doing so resolved to Fight Back against the weatherman, Mr. Sandman, Father time and oh yes, we placed an emphasis on strengthening our backs.

Betsy Ross’s contribution is not lost on the men on F3 and so we Pledge our Allegiance once again.

Warm-up - 1 mosey around the parking lot, followed by another with high knee, butt kickers, shuffles to the L, shuffles to the R - Circle up for: - 24 Arm circle with coordinated Left foot circle clockwise, reverse for another 24 - 24 Arm circle with coordinated Right foot circle clockwise, reverse for another 24 - 24 Imperial Walkers

After moseying over to get our coupons (cinder-block) we got our quick feet on for a 24 count. Enough of all this. The pull up bars await.

Thang 1

Partner up for the following: - 50 Pull ups (split between partners) - 100 Chest Tap Merkins (split between partners) - 200 Bird Dogs each (Start from hands and knees position, point left arm out straight and right leg out behind simultaneously, alternate, =1 rep) - 300 Coupon Dead lifts each

After returning our Coupons we circled up for: - 24 Swimming Superman - 24 Dying Cockroaches

COT Announcements -Yogi will be handing off Tortoises next week and providing his last Q as site manager promising all in attendance will be begging to run. Prayer Request - An F3 member passed away recently after finishing his Q.(Unsure of his name) Please remember his family in your prayers

NMS A big thanks to Yogi for the leadership and commitment he has show with Tortoises. From the first day YHC met him he has always been intentional with his encouragement for me. His commute to this site is longer than most who attend and so that alone speaks to how important this has been to him. He will be missed and we will do our best to carry on the legacy he established at Tortoises.

See also