Fifty-two pick-up

Sixteen HIM gathered in the A-Team gloom this morning to help YHC celebrate a 52nd lap around the sun. It was extra gloomy, but the temps were perfect. As anyone knows who has Q’d A-Team, it pays to have a plan A and a plan B, depending on what time CheddarBo rolls in to unlock the gate. 5:45 and no sign of him, so plan B is in effect. No FNGs, but YHC does a quick facsimile of the disclaimer anyway, and we’re off.

Quick jog up the hill to the lot on the right. Circle up for 13 reps of the following:

  • Good mornings
  • SSH
  • Cotton Pickers
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles both ways

YHC chose 13 as the recurring count for today because it is one of the few numbers by which 52 is divisible.

With that out of the way, across the street to the lot on the left for Thang 1 - Deck of Death, or as YHC calls it, 52 Pick-Up.


Count off into 4 groups. The math worked out beautifully, and we soon had 4 groups of 4. Each group is given a zip loc bag containing a deck of cards and instructions. Each PAX will take a turn drawing a card. The number indicates how many reps to the group does; Jacks=11, Queens=12, Kings=13, Aces=14; add 10 to numbers of 5 or below. The suit indicates the exercise:

♥︎ Hearts = Carolina (not so) Dry Docks ♣︎ Clubs = LBCs ♠︎ Spades = Tree Hugger Squats ♦︎ Diamonds = Diamon Merkins

After each exercise group takes a lap around the pickle. Repeato until each PAX has drawn twice, for a total of 8 circuits.

Thang 2 - Mosey over to the speed bump at the top of the hill for sevens. Bobby Hurleys at the top of the hill, inclined Merkins on the rails at the bottom.

Gather back at top of hill. Billy Run back to starting point, with a staggered start by group. Wait, what was that orange blur coming from the back of group 4? Why, it’s YHC’s very own 2.1. Get it, Leprachan!

Still some time on the clock, so YHC calls for two more draws from the Deck of Death. However, not quite as much time as originally thought, so it’s two rounds of exercises, but only one lap.

Circle up for Mary:

  • 13 LBCs IC
  • 13 Freddy Mercury’s IC
  • Plank hold for 13 count around the circle
  • Chill-cut position for 13 Pickle Pounders #signatureMove

Count-o-rama: 16 soggy soldiers Name-o-rama: 7 respects, 1 hate, 8 meh


  • Matlock announced a “Shuck ’n’ Cluck” event for Rebuilding Together charity on March 15. Details can be found here:
  • Shut-In Q and Brew Swap on Wednesday. Slack for details


  • Continued prayers for Hi-Liter’s Dad and his battle with cancer
  • Prayers for Disco Duck’s M, who may have to have surgery to remove her thyroid.
  • Prayers for the families of the local high school kids who died last week


  • First time Q’ing A-Team. What a great location! As previously mentioned though, it forces the Q to pretty much come up with two separate workouts, unless you want to run a lot (which YHC does not). :)
  • Was very pleased with how the math turned out. Already had planned to just use 3 decks if numbers were light, but 4x4 seemed to be the right ratio.
  • Appreciate all the encouragement and positive feedback from the PAX. Thanks for helping me get my 52 birthday started out right!
  • It was a pleasure and an honor to lead all of you this morning.

See also