Field Trip

Field trip day at Carpex’s premier Friday AO in the 27513 zip code.

Little chitty-chat among the PAX to start, “Holy shnikies it’s windy. Is that a tail wind, Coney?”

A quick disclaimer to FNG Nick and we’re headed out of the park and on the road towards the Veterans’ Memorial, because YHC has a half a Mary coming up and needs some miles before a LONG run manana w/ @mabellcarpex. Plus, Large Mouth was here so…

Along the run route (approx 1.2 miles) stop for:

  • Hillbillies x10
  • Erkins x10
  • LBC x10
  • LBC x10
  • One Legged Burpees x10

Thang 1: In a big circle at the memorial for:

  • 10 merkins, squats, lbc and step ups
  • From 10… all the way down to 1

Back on the run (approx 1.8 miles – we took the trail back) and stop for:

  • Knerkins x10
  • Imperial Walkers x10
  • Tony Hawk Burpees x5
  • Turkish Get Ups x5
  • You Betchas x10
  • Oh, and you gotta bear crawl those bridges on the way back (thanks for suggesting the trail, @sabancarpex)
  • Stop at the gratitude rock to give thanks for our families and the blessing of a new little one for the Puff family.

Just enough time at the flag for:

  • Merkins x20
  • Squats x20
  • LBC x20 IC
  • Quick Feet x20


  • Long run tomorrow (11 miles) with Ma Bell at White Oak
  • Mule on Saturday the 10th, check with Banjo for details.


  • Jiggly Puffs 2.0 on the way
  • Burt’s BIL John and his treatment
  • Pierogi’s friend Terry and healing hands


  • YHC tooks us out – may we be grateful today for the blessings of a new little life for brother Puff and his family. Each little one is a true blessing.
  • Welcome FNG Flipper.
  • Tclaps for the HIM who wore red today to Remember Everyone Deployed.
  • Finally – you guys missed (outside of Elf and Pierogi) the greatest 40 to the Flag episode that YOU’LL NEVER see. Camera malfunction – pure gold!!!!

See also