Field of Drunk rocks

YHC’s Q tour continues. Ain’t gonna lie… I have a love/hate relationship with the Q sheet. Love the fact that I can snag some quality spots last minute. Wouldn’t mind it being a little more difficult. Get out there and grab a spot. You will love it. The PAX may love it. I may not love it but that’s ok.

Warm up

During the EC (see NMS for more on that) I noticed that the rock pile near the flag is a bit low on small-sized rocks. Decided that we needed to remedy that. Mosey to the parking lot at the top of the hill for warmups.

  • GM x8;
  • IW x15 (Beaker noted that this was an FOD record… I’ll take it);
  • Sir Fazio’s forward & backward (a few counts may have been misplaced);
  • overhead claps x10;
  • forward claps IC x5;
  • backward claps IC x5 (AKA the silent clap or maybe we call these the Gonorrhea?)
  • PJ IC x10
  • MC IC x10 (enjoy that sunrise… apparently that direction is EAST)

Recover. Time for a Bernie Stoner (or maybe a Bouldie Sanders?). Mosey to the small rock pile (pile of small rocks) near the Brooks Park entrance and grab two grapefruit sized rocks. Hold ’em over head and mosey down to the big rock pile (pile of big rocks) back down by the Flag so we can redistribute the granite wealth a bit.


Drop your small rocks and grab a large mostly-not-moving rock.

Rock warmup: 10-count, modified rock-your-body with an additional lateral rock lift thrown in before the overhead raise. The cadence count was a cluster. I blame Beaker. Mostly because he was standing next to Franklin. And Franklin was egging him on. We did 10 of these. I think only two followed the same routine. 10x IC rock rows to demonstrate I that while counting to 10 is difficult, counting to 4 is fine. Technically only to 3 but … whatever.

Rock slide: drop your rock. 10 merkins. Slide your rock to the other side of the parking lot. 10 merkins. I didn’t see Texas Ranger or McCants or Joe Smith but still felt move to reinforce the disclaimer that I am not a professional and the PAX should do anything stupid. Then we crab walked the rocks back. 10 merkins. 5x IC Russian Rock Twists in a Squat position. Also known as the “in cadence” or the “hold your rock up” or the “you know Trike, you really don’t have to do this if you don’t want to”. 10 merkins. 5 more IC RRTIASPs.

Repeato the whole rock slide thing. Greek Squad decided to make a smaller rock. An inspection of the slide marks showed something akin to the picture above. Sky Blue apparently tried to slide his rock on the left side of everyone which was a problem since he was on the far right of the parking lot.

Drop your rocks. Mosey. 11 PAX then witness Franklin trying to cleverly murder the Q by Jedi-mind-tricking him into running backwards into the planter and (here I can only inter his intentions) impaling the Q on Casey’s bat-slash-shovel-flag.

Variety Merkins: Mosey around the baseball fields. Said hi to a pedestrian. Stop 1: Mucho Chesto. 10 each. Mostly. Stop 2: Compass Merkins. 10 each facing North (actually W), East (actually N), South (actually down) and West (actually facing Geek Squad’s posterior).


Beach body set of LBC IC x20; left side oblique crunches x20; L/R heel touches IC x20; right side oblique crunches x20

Have a nice day.


13. 1 respect. 2 hates. All great dudes.

Prayers for the country and for Ricco who lost a nephew this past week.

FOD Site-Qs are looking for new site Qs to step up. Moped was nominated but staged a 17-minute rebuttal that was just magic to listen to.

YHC took us out.


  • Tried to out run Sky Blue during the EC run by (shocker) heading out at the posted EC start time. Apparently a two minute (and a hill… and a quarter mile…) head start is not enough as it wasn’t long before I heard the 0547 Reading to Manchester express bearing down on me.
  • Beautiful sunrise this morning. Thanks Beaker for pointing it out!
  • FOD has one of the coolest shovel flags in the business. Someone really should step up and take that sucker home. Just as long as they bring it back every Tuesday.
  • In case you’re wondering, Point Break’s pitchfork flag takes top billing in my book.
  • Logged 1 Geocache on my way home.
  • @F3_FOD last did anything on twitter July 23, 2019. The President has Tweeted over 4,000 times since then. Get on it fellas.

See also