Fern lovers afraid of wet asphalt at 6/13/19 BiB

Half, Hermes for a 2ish mile fellowship EC mosey.
Its time, 7 pax in parking lot, beautiful chill in the air.
- Standard Shut-in Warm Up
-Follow me, attack the hill with a vengeance unknown to man, lets keep up the mosey for a tour around the new building and back around to the parking deck out front.  Partner up. Dora 2 4 6 – 200 Merkins, 400 Calf Raises, 600 LBCs.  P1 run up the stairs and back around, P2 do the exercises until you complete them as a partnership.
-Jog back to the flag, the lot has been invaded by softies from the fern garden.  They apologize for being in the upper portion of our lot because the lower portion was too wet for them.  So..
-Follow me down to the lower portion of the lot to where the puddles are in the parking spots in full view of said fern lovers and…
- Lay down in the puddles face down and do Superman pulses in cadence.
- Flip over and do LBC’s in cadence.

We are crepuscular outdoorsMEN and we recognize that there are many heroes that have endured much tougher conditions than a little puddle in a parking lot for our freedom.  We thrive in being uncomfortable.

Count-a-rama – 7, name-a-rama 7 mehs, 0 respects, 0 hates. 

-F3 Dads – this Saturday 0900 at Bond Park
-Hermes is hosting an Odyssey Planning Committee meeting at his house Friday night.  If you are interested in helping out with the Odyssey this year, hit him up for more information.
-The Odyssey is on Saturday morning October 5th.  Mark your calendars.
- The first annual F3 Carpex golf tournament is Monday October 7th at Lonnie Poole.  

Prayer Requests:
-Half’s son is getting tubes put in his ears this week.
YHC took us out. 

Perfect attendance for Coffeteria at NYBDIII.  Something called Taylor Ham was enjoyed by some. 

It was an honor to lead you guys this morning.  Thank you for all you do in my life!  There is way too much daylight at this AO this time of year. 
Did you see the looks of envy we got from the fern people when we went and laid down in the area that was “too wet”.

See also