Fellowship at Wolverine

The first weekday morning after i turned 49 was glorious. 18 strong filled what is left of the parking lot at the darkest of all AOs (unless it is within a week of the summer solstice). We congratulated Build a Bear and jigglypuff on their EC (after which Puff headed home), then we had a moment of silence for our brother War Child. After this sobering start to the day, we were off. Immediately out of the park, across the street and down the road to the pool parking lot.

Warm up - SSH, GM, Merkins, Calf Stretch, Mountain Climber, Imperial Walker.Partner up (for later) then run down the hill toward the greenway. Stop at bottom of hill to lunge walk up, run down, bear crawl up, run down, repeat all.

Then we were off down the greenway but it was to be a fellowship run with your partner - first learning about how they got their F3 name. Stop at the fork in the road for some squats - them more fellowship - this time- how did your partner meet their M, stopping when we hit the road for more squats. Run up the hill (no fellowship requirement here because YHC doesnt like to talk when i run up hill), stopping at the intersection for more squats. From here, keep the group together as we turn right and head back towards Davis Drive - on the group run - PBX and HiLiter shared the funny stories they had learned from their parnters (Nature and Banjo).

We crossed over the street and into the church parking lot for some classic Dora 1,2,3 with merkins, squats and LBCs. After finishing Dora, we had one last partner fellowship run back to the starting point with a discussion about summer vacations. Finally, ended with 20 WW2s.

COT - announcements - Q school, new AO in Apex

Prayers/ Praises - quiet group today - YHC took us out.

thanks all for the privilege of leading.

See also