Feels Like 100

Oh, Rush Hour in the summer, how wonderful you are. YHC had an over/under of 4 pax for this hot one. Weather.com said it was 92 but “feels like 100”.

A good little crowd makes for a solid fellowship of a beatdown. YHC didn’t know how much of the sweat was the heat and how much was because it was a hard workout. We’ll never know…but here’s what we did.

  • Warmup at the Bank
  • Start for Academy but get stopped by the light and almost run in to traffice (strike 1) - do some merkins on the hot HOT pavement!
  • Head down Academy stopping for some exercises along the way.
  • Head to the Elementary school track, grab the hidden stashed water jug in case we get too hot!
  • Jump the fence bc YHC didn’t check for a gate (strike 2)
  • Partner broad jump burpee lap
  • Run to front of Arts building and start a ladder of Dips on the potted tree things, run around the side for Derkins on the side wall. Dips in cadence (1 dip) then 2 derkins, then 3 dips IC, then 4 derkins, etc. We got to 10
  • Head back to the flag!
  • Skip the flag and straight to the fountain for the signature foot dip COT. It was warm but refreshing and we had a great little 2nd and 3rd F COT.

Thanks fellas, good times!!

See also