
We first learned about Festivus (for the rest of us) in Season 9, Episode 10 of Seinfeld. After raining down blows upon a poor, defenseless Christmas shopper, George Castanza’s father began a tradition that still impacts us today…at Flying Circus.

Original footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dS7-jcsB_WQ


8 HIM’s aired their grievances and performed feats of STRENGTH (and more) at FC.

The Warmup

- Run down the driveway to meet the EC runners arriving just in the nick of time - Run the big loop around to the far drive - Good Mornings, Cotton Pickers, SSHs, Wide Grip Merkins, Ranger Merkins, Imperial Walkers, LBCs - Partner up, run to the front of the middle school

The Thang

- Season 9/Episode 10 = 9x10 reps (between you and your partner) of the following: S - Scorpion Dry Dock T - Turkish Getups *smile while Banjo implies YHC is a piece of anatomy for calling these in the snow* R - Redbull Smurf Jacks E - E2K’s (Elbow 2 Knee Oblique Crunch) N - Nipple Scraper Merkins G - Goofballs T - Thigh Masters H - HRB’s (Hand Release Burpees) - (extra HR burpees with Banjo just because) - Run a lap around the loop with your partner between exercises - Run back to the flag


- Snow Angels, Boat Canoe (Biner), Side Plank Star Crunch, Freddie Merc., Homer to Marge (1 leg at a time)


See also