FC....Flying-Circus, or, Freezin' Cold?

This morning it was cold.

No two ways about it – most definitely “brass-monkey weather” [Northern English colloquialism….Google it!].

We don’t worry too much about such minor discomforts at Flying Circus, so 11 of the strongest, bravest Unicorns ever found (in Northwest Cary on a Thursday morning) showed up raring to go at the premier AO (in Northwest Cary on a Thursday morning).

This is roughly what we did…..starting at the Soccer pitches

Warm Up:

Given the rather fresh temperature, an extended warm up was called for, and delivered:

  • 20 SSH
  • 20 Slo-Mo Plank Jacks
  • 20 Regular speed Mountain Climbers
  • 20 Medium Velocity Windmills
  • Bear Crawl ring of fire part 1 (bear crawl all the way round the half-way line circle, All PAX plank hold whilst in turn 10 merkins each round the circle)
  • Burpee escalator ring of fire (All PAX squats whilst in turn Burpee escalator round the circle)
  • Bear Crawl ring of fire part 2 (bear crawl half way round the half-way line circle, All PAX plank hold whilst in turn 20 merkins each round the circle)
  • Burpee escalator reverse ring of fire (All PAX squats whilst in turn Burpee escalator round the circle, going in other direction round the circle)

After numerous compliments to the Q on how warm everyone now was, time to get moving and start the workout proper……

The Thangs

A – B – C – D

  • Using the rather convenient 4 corners of the soccer pitch:
  • A - AIR-SQUARED (20 – check the EXICON) followed by mosey along the length of the pitch to
  • B – Broad Jump Burpees along the width of the pitch to
  • C – Carry your partner along the length of the pitch pausing half way for 5 Bropees and flapjack
  • D – Duckwalk the width of the pitch

Rounding off with a quick BTTW, 5 count along the line, then follow me for a run round the parking lot to the crossing at the school entrance for a back and forth Abbey Road Lunge Walk.

Mosey on over to the stairs down to the track for:

  • Regular descents combined with
  • Left Leg Hop ascent
  • Right Leg Hop ascent
  • Bunny Hop ascent

Mosey round to the basketball court and partner up for:

  • Partner 1 – ¼ court suicides
  • Partner 2 – Peoples Chair
  • Flapjack
  • Repeato

Circle up for Mary:

  • Six inch leg hold for a 5 count round the circle
  • 30 LBCs

And done.


  • Announcements – Krispy Kreme challenge; Convergence (s); Slack-a-coming; and more – check F3Carpex for definitive details.
  • Prayers – travelers; families; Parkers Father and all unsaid prayers and praises. Parker led us out with a very articulate prayer (despite his frostbite) reminding us of the reason for the season.


  • Parker temporarily lost the ability to form words – we weren’t sure initially whether he was having a stroke, or merely suffering with the cold as he talked about his nips and other unmentionables.
  • Various reports of widely diverging temperature in N / S Cary. Those living in the North of the Cary Tundra reported heavy snow when driving in, where as the Southern Cary-ites reported balmy 45 degree temperatures. Not sure either reports were meteorologically accurate.
  • Largemouth arrived so early, having allowed contingency time for the long commute, he wondered if we was in the right place. Clearly he could have done some EC running, rather than just turn the radio up inside the warm cab of his truck……
  • Eager anticipation of the migration to forthcoming migration to slack. It was recommended to all that all PAX should email ShutIn, preferably multiple times in order to enquire about further details
  • Its amazing how enormous the circle on the halfway line seems when Bearcrawling it!

As always, it was a privilege to lead men, thank you.

See also