Fashion faux pas

Small but stunningly strong set of swain swung into Scots Mill around six.

A pair of NC State hoodies got out of their cars. Matching. Embarrassing.

It’s 5:46, time to get going. SSH start. Frisco rolls up. Casually.

SSHs continue.

Frisco leisurely unfurls the flag.

SSHs continue.

The shovel is planted.

SSHs continue.

Shovel flag is assembled, with care.

SSHs continue.

Frisco joins the SSHs.

SSH halt.


Get a rock from the heavy rock pile. Non-travel.

Set of Curls, 20 yd lunge walk, Presses, 20 yd lunge walk, Squat, 20 yr lunge walk, Rock row, 20 yd lunge walk.

First time: 20. Second time: 15. Third time: 10.

Rocks apparently got heavier as time went on. Solid conversation was had. It was like a shield lock, I guess.

Return rocks.


COT: 4.

Prayers and praises for marriages, addictions, COVID and family.

Beautiful time out this morning. Too bad we missed the lunar eclipse.

See also