Farewell 2020

The day was December 31st, the last day of the year 2020. Can’t remember a year before where so many people around the world were saying good riddance as they, anxiously, laid it to rest in its proverbial grave. Then vigorously covered it up with as much dirt as possible. While I agree that 2020 has been a very difficult and trying year in many ways, overall and overtime, I’m coming around to viewing 2020 from a different perspective. Mainly how all 366 days from this past year were a gift from God! Each day was a day to live and proclaim His name to the world! Given the fact that no one is promised the next day, everyday should be one of thanksgiving!

That being said, before 2020 officially came to a close there was one more workout to be tackled, Ragnarok! 2 pax (Tang and YHC) were the only ones present for the one last Hoorah! Well, other than the park ranger patrolling the area as we did our thing. As well as the typical couple of random cars with people sitting inside, maybe doing something maybe not… So, really nothing out of the ordinary.

There was no flag, so after a short disclaimer, we were off and running the parking circle toward the main park road.

Warm Up:

  • Good Evening
  • SSH
  • Windmills
  • Seal Clap
  • Plank Jacks
  • Calf Stretches

Thang 1: Ascending Merkins

Running along the main park road, we did ascending Merkins at each light pole. First light pole, 1 Merkins. Second light pole, 2 Merkins, and so on till we get to the 10th light pole and 10 Merkins.

Thang 2: Dora

In the parking lot near the baseball field we did a Dora routine. Together Tang and I did:

100 Leg Lever

200 Squats

300 Supermans

While one of us was working on the exercises the other one ran the big pickle.

When finished we knocked out 45 Merkins to add to the 55 we had already done.

Thang 3: “Two Groups”

Fellowship back to the basketball goals for, what I call, a two groups routine. In this case it was just two people. Round 1) One person held a Plank on one side of the court, while the other person ran to the other side and did Shoulder Taps, run back and switch. Round 2) Same format, but one person held Al Gore, while the other did Monkey Humpers. Round 3) Same format again, except one person did a 6 in. Leg Hold, the other did LBCs. After that we had time for a Repeato!


Back to the dry shelter we went for some Mary:

  • Dying Cockroach
  • Surtur’s 100’s
  • American Hammers

To close out 2020 we did 20 Burpees! Then, as if that wasn’t terrible enough, we did 20 More Burpees!! Wanted to make sure we sent the year off right!

COT – 2 Pax: 1 Hate, 1 Meh.


Duck Donut Dash coming up in February!


For Tang’s (92 year old) Grandmother who was diagnosed with cancer.

For YHC’s friend’s dad in the hospital with Covid and double pneumonia. That day hospice care was brought in, and we found out today (1/02/21) that he went to be with the Lord. So pray for continued comfort for the entire family.

YHC took us out.


It was such an honor to lead this AO before year’s end. Tang has done a great job starting and leading this site, and it was really cool to have the opportunity to fellowship with him as we trucked along! The Ragnarok t shirts and hoodies is really awesome too! You should do what it takes to get you one if you haven’t already!

My prayer for us in 2021 was that we would truly and honestly wake up everyday saying this is the day the Lord has made, we WILL rejoice and be glad in it. May we follow Christ into the new year knowing that He is in control and that He has a plan for us, if only we’re willing to follow! As we move forward lets remember all the blessings we did experience in 2020, as well as the goals we accomplished! Whether it be with F3 or other personal goals. Finally, I pray that as time moves forward we continue to look back on the year and see how the Lord was there, leading us and guiding us the entire time.

Happy New Year!!

See also